Chapter 10

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Monday morning came and I had energy that I never thought I had or would ever have.

I woke up and got myself and my brother ready for school.

When I got to school. The day went by in a flash and for the first time in a long time I felt good in school. I did my school work and promised myself to improve my grades and pass with A's this year.

A week later.

"Alright class, listen up!" my English teacher, Mr. Brenner yelled. "I will be assigning a project. You will be paired and you will examine each other throughout the week and write a two page paper on that person," he said passing out packets. "These packets have all the instructions you need to complete this paper. You have five minutes to find a partner after that you will finish the rest of the class planning your paper with your partner. You may pair up now," he finished handing out the papers and sat at his desk.

I decided I would let everyone else have first dibs on their partners. So I sat there patiently until I felt something on my shoulder. I looked up to see a brown hand. When I trail the arm all the way up to the face with my eyes I realize it's Benjamin Naples. "Wanna be my partner?" he asked as I stared into his light green eyes.

Say something I thought say something.

"Uh... uh... um sure," I said.

He sat down next to me laying his books on the desk connected to mine.

"So... When should we meet up. How do you want to do this?" he questioned.

"Uuum... W-well... Um w-we could you know... meet up at the library or uuuhh... At Malky's or something," I had avoided eye contact the whole time I spoke but looked up at him when he chuckled a bit.

"Sounds good," he said smiling at me. I found myself staring at his dazzling smile. he had perfectly straight white teeth that seemed to sparkle in the light. His dimples dug deep in his cheeks.

I was so lost in thought that I hadn't realized he was talking to me.

"I'm sorry I wasn't listening," I said truthfully.

He looked at me. His beautiful light green eyes staring into my dark brown ones.

He smiled before continuing, "What I was saying was maybe some weekdays we could meet at your house and others at my house and then on weekends we could go to Malky's."

"Oh. Yeah sounds good. Wow you had a plan laid out already," I chuckled.

"Yeah I'm like that. I have a plan for everything. My friends hate it. They think I'm uptight but I'm not really. I just like things a certain way.," he said with a light chuckle.

We spent the class asking questions about each other and taking down notes of course. I found out he has an older brother and an older sister and two younger sisters. His mom and dad were together and.... Alive. He kept talking about his parents. Telling me story after story. And with every story I grew sadder and sadder. I guess he noticed because his smile disappeared and his happy expression turned into a worried one.

"Are you ok? You seem upset now," he asked.

"Yeah, yeah it's just the stories you tell of your family... they're just... they're great," I sighed.

"We can talk about something else I'm probably boring you anyway," he said with a cautious look.

I just nodded.

"I hate vegetables and love fruits," he said with a smirk looking from his packet to me. I guess he was trying to figure out what I was thinking.

"I'm the opposite. I love vegetables... some vegetables and I hate almost all fruits," I told him. He smiled at our different tastes.

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