Chapter 14

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"You're not going anywhere until you tell me what the hell is going on." He was furious.

I took a deep breathe before deciding to tell him everything. A wave of emotions came over me, but I wasn't going to cry.

"Ok... so I don't know if you know Mark, but if you don't it doesn't matter anyway... umm Alana invited me to one of his parties and while I was at the party... Here at the house... a...a... man came...and killed my mom," I promised I wouldn't cry but I haven't thought of that day in such a long time. And speaking about her now was overwhelming and I broke down. As I sat there sobbing I felt strong, warm arms wrap around me. He shushed me quietly, and stroked my hair.

I took a deep breathe before continuing, "After my mom died my dad became an abusive drunk and then some time later he left. Out of the blue. I don't know if he's dead or just trying to fix himself or what, but we haven't heard from him in months," the thought of my dad also brought me to tears.

"And then after all that I went back to school and Alana invited me to another party. Obviously I was reluctant to accept. Eventually I declined but for no reason because I went anyway," I was crying again remembering that fateful night.

"When I got there I looked for Alana and found her with... with my then boyfriend Tyler. They were... you know. And..." I trailed off and started crying even louder. He pulled me into a hug, and all that could be heard in the room was my muffled crying.

When I finally stopped crying I looked at his shirt that I had been crying into and chuckled lightly and said, "I kinda ruined your shirt." He laughed as well before taking my face in his hands.

"That's why I don't want to go any further with you. I'm terrified of getting hurt again. I might be strong but I don't know how much more hurt I can take," I told him tears pooling my eyes again.

He still held my face and said in a whisper, "I will never hurt you. And I know we haven't known each other for long but I know you well enough to know that I care deeply about you. And if you trust me with your heart I will never abuse of that privilege."

And with those words I lost it. I cried into his chest again and he soothed me before saying, "You've been strong for so long. Don't you think it's time to share the burden a little?"

I sniffled as I pulled away. I looked into his eyes and I nodded. He embraced me in yet another hug. But this one was different this one was one of reassurance. One that told me he wasn't going anywhere. One that told me I could trust him.

We came downstairs to an exasperated Caleb and a worried Kathy.

She looked at me as if asking me if I was alright and I nodded to her.

Benjamin could sense that I probably needed space so he decided not to come on the trip with us even after I invited him. He did however drive us to the airport. It gave me some more time with him and it saved us transportation fair.

Win, win!!

He walked us all the way to customs where we embraced in a final hug. He stayed there until we couldn't see him anymore and I'm pretty sure he left after that. We sat down and waited to board the plane. It was a two hour wait because the plane was delayed. Kathy and I talked for a while before just letting silence take over and then we just stayed on our phones until we boarded.

Just before we got on I called Benjamin to tell him what was happening and I promised to call him as soon as I landed.

The flight was quick. Kathy and I watch The Time Traveler's Wife. While Caleb watched The Black Panther. Which he hinted he wanted for his birthday.

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