Chapter 36

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Mr. Madison's POV

My team has been working on getting Gio's address.

Slim has been at this for almost two days, watching and re-watching the surveillance footage. Analyzing it to see if he can find something with his info on it.

"What about credit cards?" I asked him.

"What about them?" he asks back turning his chair around.

"Like can you get any info by hacking his bank account," I said.

"Yeah, mortgage payment would have an address on them, but I need to watch the footage closely to see if I can get the credit card digits," he said turning around.

"If I don't see it here I'll need to know what he's been doing where he's been to see if I can hack into those places' footage," he stated typing on his computer.

"I'll get you anything you need just find me something," I told him, and he responded with a nod.

Lizzie's POV

It's been two days since the whole mall incident Gio has had me on a freaking pedestal, anything I want he gets it for me. I have to say I kinda like that.

Gio was getting ready to get me some Chick-Fil-A. I had a really strong craving for it, but I think what fueled that craving was the fact that the nearest Chick-Fil-A was an hour and a half away.

"Alright love, I'm heading out. You sure you don't want to come?" he asked.

I held my stomach and leaned a little forward, "No my cramps are really bad, I just want to lay here," I told him in a soft voice looking a little sad.

He came near me and kissed me on the forehead, "Ok I'll be back in a bit," he said. I soon heard the door close and the car drive away.

"Ok, what time is it?" I asked myself.

"Eleven. Ok that means he should be back by two," I was talking to myself. 

I'll give myself til one to be safe.

I had that bad habit when I was in a certain stressful situation.

I told him I had my period and was really craving Chick-Fil-A, he wanted me to go with him but I told him that my cramps were to painful to do anything. So he let me stay.

I walked up the stairs still acting like I was in pain cause there was security everywhere. Security that would not think twice before calling Gio therefore screwing me over.

I walked into our room and looked around. I searched and searched for his laptop. 

In his desk, nothing.

Under the bed, nothing.

I walked into his walk in closet, nothing.

Damn it!

I went back to his desk and saw his brief case on the chair. 


I opened it and there it was.

The laptop Mary gave me when I first got here was given to me for a reason. I has every type of social media blocked.

Youtube, he made it so that I couldn't write comments.

Basically anything that could be used to communicate with the outside world was blocked.

So his laptop was my only hope. And I was so close the excitement was hard to contain. I powered it on and waited for it to turn on.

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