Chapter 9

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"Start from the beginning ," I told her.

"Ok ," she said looking at me shyly.

 "So you know Tyler and Alana? Well they have been together for a while."

"How long is a while?" I asked.

"A week after your mom...." she trailed off.

"Died?" that word stung my heart. But I needed answers. So the faster she spoke the better.

Then I realized they were together since my mom died? That means all those times they were trying to help me they were really, basically checking to see that if I was still so out of it that I wouldn't notice. They didn't care for me at all.

My heart sank at this sudden realization.

"I heard Tyler complaining about how you were never going to get out of your funk. And that he had needs. And that he couldn't be with a zombie for a girlfriend. A depressed zombie girlfriend I think he called it." She hesitated on that last part.

I lowered my gaze. If this is how he saw me then why was he trying to get my attent- oh, now I see, he was trying to rationalize what he had been doing with Alana. Not to apologize. The very thought of it made me sick to my stomach.

"He had also been bragging to his friends about how he was cheating on you. And you know I thought all those guys on the basketball team were all heartless animals like Tyler but more than half of them were totally against what he was doing." she stated.

"So," she continued, "when I saw that you were there at the party and knowing where they had gone I decided to push you into the truth so to speak. I debated a while with myself if I should do it or not you know because you were already hurting and I didn't want there to be more, but in the end I convinced myself it was for the best." she stopped and looked at my face, I guess trying to figure out what I was thinking.

"I'm so sor-" she was cut off by a knock at the door.

I stood up to answer it and the person staring at me was the last person I wanted to see. And before I knew it I swung my fist at Alana.

But when I snapped back into reality and saw her on the floor I felt sudden remorse. Not for her you have to understand, but for myself that I was stooping so low.

I couldn't be mean to her. That's what she wanted. She wanted me to be mad at her and then make our peace after she apologized. But I wasn't going to do that.

"Im sorry," I said as I bent down and helped her up.

She got to her feet with wide eyes. Then her stunned face instantly turned into one of sadness. She shook her head "No I'm the sorry one," she sad with tears in her eyes.

"You should be," I said.

"Look. It just happened. I don't know how. It just happe-" I held up my hand to cut her off.

"No. Ok no it didn't just happen. Because it was going on for a while an-" I cut myself off when I started getting heated.

"I think you should leave now," I said calmly.

"Please I'm so sorry. Please it won't happen again." She had started to cry.

"I know it won't. You can have him now." I said. "And don't worry I forgive you."

She looked at my face in horror. I new that I was making it worse for her. The fact that I wasn't mad but disappointed in her was killing her.

Kill her with kindness. I thought to myself. Kill her with kindness.

As soon as I said 'I forgive you' her crying turned into heavy, wheezing and sobs.

I was hurt that our friendship ended this way but she should have thought before she hurt me like that.

"I think you should leave," I said guiding her to the door.

"Please..." she said but I only shook my head and closed the door.

I knew that she did me wrong but I couldn't help but feel bad. But I knew it was the right thing to do. My bad feelings would go away with time.

I looked at Kathy and she gave me a weak smile. Then out of nowhere I burst into tears. I couldn't control them. I was just so hurt. All of the hurt from all that has happened to me over the past months was coming out in tears. Tears of pain, betrayal, and frustration came out like a waterfall.

Kathy came over to me and laid her hand and rubbed circles on my back.

I hated myself for not being friends with Kathy all these years. I would see her sit alone during lunch and just push her out of my mind. Ignoring her. And here she was being my friend after being such a jerk to me.

I turned around and wrapped my arms around her and hugged her tightly.

"Thank you for being my friend. Even though I don't deserve it." I whispered.

"Why would you be my friend after I just ditched you?" I questioned.

"Because even though you stopped being my friend when we started highschool I never stopped being yours. I always had hope that we would be friends again. So... I waited," she said which made me cry harder.

After a while I broke away from the hug. Took a deep breath and stood up. The cry was refreshing. I had everything bottled up and needed a good cry and let my emotions out to clear my head.

"It's going to be ok," she said to me.

I turned to her and said "I know," with a small smile.

I turned to her and said "I know," with a small smile

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Hi guys!!!

I feel so bad for Lizzie.

Do you really think it's going to be ok?

Anyways please...

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