Chapter 40

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Before we get started with this chapter I want to let you know, as I was writing this chapter I found a mistake in the previous chapter towards the end. I have fixed it and some grammar mistakes as well. So it should make more sense now.


Lizzie's POV




Ugh what is that sound?

Someone please shut it off.


Someone shu-

Ugh fine I'll do it.

Why can't I- Why can't I move?




Ugh but it's so annoying someone please turn it off.

"How is she?" I heard someone say.

"Same as yesterday. Same as the last three weeks," someone else was in the room. Someone with a smooth voice. But troubled at the same time. Who was it?


I've been out for three weeks? But how?

"She's strong. I know she'll make it," Kathy! It was Kathy. She came closer and I heard her voice clearer. She's here.

I felt a hand on mine, rough but gentle.

"Yeah I know," is that Madison? I think it is.

He doesn't sound too optimistic, but that was never one of his strongest suits.

"Here," Kathy said.

"Its Burger King. I know it's nothing fancy bu-"

"You say that everytime you bring me food. Thank you. I appreciate it."

She brings him food? Wow.

I heard some rustling from my right side then I heard Kathy, "You should really go home. I'll stay with her and if anything happens I'll call you."

He must look horrible judging by the tone of her voice.

"Thanks but no. I want to be here if anything." Why? Why does he want to stay?

There was a bit of silence before, "Why do you always bring me food?"

"I don't know. You're surrounded by our friends and family and they already don't look highly on you maybe I just thought you needed a friend," my heart broke. That's right he was surrounded by people that most likely don't like him even if I do.

"And I know you're a tough guyand judging by all that's happened you're lifestyle is kinda dangerous but still... everyone needs a friend," she continued.

There was another long silence until I heard Kathy say something that I thought was going to make my heart stop.

"I know what you did... You know to Lizzie. When she was younger."


"I'm not proud of it," he said with a trembling voice.

Stop this! Stop!

"Why did you do it?"

Why are you digging up old bones?

"When you grow in a world like mine... you grow up with no empathy for anyone or anything. And as I got older that scared me. I thought... if I can't feel for anyone then what's the point of having a life. So I left the family business and created a fake identity and landed a job as the principal of the school. But I couldn't escape who I was raised to be. Having no empathy for anyone made it easy for me to do that ro her. But as I continued 'growing' so to speak as a principal I became human I guess. And now I feel for my kids. And would do anything to protect them. And everyday that goes by I regret what I did to her more and more. And I wish I could go back and undo all of that."

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