Bonus Chapter (Alana)

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Lizzie's POV

We are finally settled in from our trip to Florida and now I'm sitting on my bed, booking a flight to Italy. Eric wants a vacation just the two of us. 

"What are you up to?" he asks throwing himself onto the bed next to me. 

"Buying the tickets to Italy," I told him.

"I'll do that. I'm still figuring somethings out so I'll take care of it," he says closing the laptop. He set it to the side while trailing kisses from my jaw to my neck. I wrapped my arms around his neck and he shifted our bodies so we were laying down. He kissed my lips as he hovered over me.

His hand slipped under my shirt and just before he got to my bra my phone rang.

He buried his face in my neck and sighed in exasperation causing me to laugh a little. He rolled off and I reached over to my nightstand to grab it. I almost choked when I saw the number. I forgot I still had her number.

"Who is it?" he asked me.

"A-Alana," I stuttered in disbelief.

"Are you going to answer?"

I nodded and picked up the call, placing the phone to my ear, "Hello?"

"Lizzie?" she asked on the other end.

"Hi," I spoke looking at Eric with wide eyes.

"Hi" she sniffled. Was she crying?

"What's- um... What's up?" I asked trying not to sound as surprised as I was.

"Nothing I just... I was umm... I don't know I wanted to see how you were doing. What you ha been up to lately," she was nervous I could tell.

"After- what... ten years you want to call and ask how I am?" I sounded a bit harsh. But I mean come on, wouldn't you think it's weird that she would call me after ten years just to 'catch up'. No... She wants something I know she does.

"Yeah I know it's been a while but-"

"What do you want Alana?" I asked rubbing my temple.

"Just to talk," she says softly.

I'm not buying it. She definitely wants something.

"Well?" I asked. I looked over at Eric who was smirking at my attitude.

"I wa- I was wondering if you maybe wanted to go out for coffee or something."

"Text me when and where," and I hung up.

"And you call me petty," he laughed.

"Shut up," I glared at him. "I need food," I said after a few seconds and got up from the bed and headed for the kitchen.

Two bowls of ice cream and a bloated stomach later I was laying next to Eric watching Criminal Minds, "Are you really going to meet with her?" 

"Yeah... I've been thinking about it. I think that I need some closure. Just so that I can move on completely, leave that chapter of my life behind I need some explanations," I told him pausing the show sitting up. 

"You want me to go?" he asks.

I shake my head, "No I'm gonna ask Kathy. This involves her, too, I guess."

"I'll send Slim with you just in case," he says laying on his side and turning off his nightstand. "I have to head into work early tomorrow so I'm going to bed."

"Alright," I kissed him and reaching over to my nightstand to get my headphones to continue watching my show.

At around three in the morning I finally pried myself away from the show. I plugged my phone into the charger and drifted off to sleep.

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