Chapter 12

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It's Monday morning and I don't even want to get out of bed. I peeled myself off and went to Caleb's room to get him up. I let him stay home the remainder of the week last week I mean it was only two days. Benjamin had to school on Friday because he was with us all day Thursday but a soon as 3:30 hit he was at our front door. He stayed the weekend which I had mixed feelings about.

I parked in the parking lot of Caleb's school. When I dropped him off at homeroom I made my way to the main office. I knocked on Mr. Madison's door "Come in," I heard him say from the other side.

When I walked in he smiled at me. His blue eyes cold and dark. He didn't say anything as I stood in front of his desk, so I took the initiative, "My brother has come back to school today and I saw that kid here again. If you don't expel him I WILL press charges. That's a lot of bad publicity not only on the school but on YOU. I suggest you think about it." 

And with that I turned toward the door. The door was shut immediately after I opened it. He pulled me by my arm and sat me in the chair in front of his desk and crouched down in front of me, "You've grown into a feisty one haven't you?" he asked a smug expression on his face.

I glared at him, "Does that intimidate you?" I asked trying to sound as confident as I could.

"No sweetheart. As a matter of fact it makes me proud," he laughed. "Proud to see that I did not break you. Which gives me the opportunity to resume our 'dealings'."

I knew exactly what he meant. And as those words left his mouth memories came flooding in.

I pushed them out of my mind and found  this new kind of courage. I stood up pushing him back in the process. "As I said before you CANNOT bully me anymore. I won't let you. You think that you have power over me. BUT. YOU. DON'T." I emphasized the last sentence.

But I instantly regretted those words because the next thing I knew I was on the ground rubbing my right cheek where he slapped me.

He stood me up by my hair and smacked me again. I refused to cry he will not undo all the progress I've made theses past few years. When I was about to get up he stepped on my back and said in the deadliest tone I've ever heard from him, "You are nothing. Do you hear me? Nothing. You have been my worthless toy ever since you were small. And no matter how much time passes. Or how much time we spend apart. You will never be able to erase, from your mind and heart, what I've done to you."

Then he stood me up once more and threw me out of the office.

I leaned against the door for a few minutes regrouping from what had just transpired.

I walked to my car and let loose. I cried. Cried for something that I haven't cried for in the longest time.

My past.

By the time I stopped crying I was officially late for school and I had to step on it if I wanted to make it for my History class. History was one of my favorte classes. And I needed a distraction. History is like... well... a story. And it never ceased to help get my mind off my own problems, cause you know you learn about other peoples past problems.

When I got to school the bell had just rung announcing that second period was over and that we had five minutes to get to third period which was in fact History. So I ran as fast as my legs could carry me and JUST as I stepped foot in his class the bell rang. I sigh deeply on relief.

I looked around to see that all seats except one were taken. The one next to...


Ugh why did my life have to suck so majorly. Why couldn't I catch a break. At least once. Once. That's all I'm asking for is one time. But no. have to go sit next to Tyler.

I walked up to the desk and sat in the seat. My heart was going a million miles a minute, and I was sweating like an animal. What's wrong with me? Why am I acting like this? And as soon as I heard his voice I knew why.

"Hey, Lizzie." With those words the rage started building up inside me. I didn't respond.

I didn't even look at him because if looks could kill, well, I be doing life in jail right now.

He sighed and didn't say anything more. For which I was thankful.

The class ended and it was awkward and shorter than I expected it to be. I had started packing up my things some time before the bell rang so I could avoid any unwanted conversations.

It was now lunch time and I was standing in line to get my lunch. I have to admit I was spaced out. But cut me some slack my day has been rough. I felt a hand on my arm that snapped me out of my little world.

When I looked up Benjamin was looking down at me with his piercing green eyes. "Fancy meeting you here," he said with a smile.

I rolled my eyes at his ridiculousness.

"Hey," was all I said before taking a few steps further in line.

"So, call me crazy, but I thought I saw you in your car crying after second period. But YOU are a good student... that is always on time to her classes... so I know that it couldn't have been you," he said smiling in the beginning. But when I looked at him with teary eyes that smile disappeared.

"You want to talk about it?" he asked.

I shook my head.

His silence told me he understood.

We got our lunch and with out even thinking, "My life SUCKS,"  I blurted out.

He almost choked on his burger from surprise. His choking soon turned into laughter when he had fully processed what I said. 

"I think everyone would agree with that one Beth," he said. My breathe hitched at the name he said.

"Wait what did you call me?" I asked sort of surprised.

"Beth," he said nonchalantly. 

"Why did you call me that?"

"Nobody calls you that right?"

"No," I answered.

"Well... there you go," he said shrugging his shoulders and taking a bite of his burger.

"What do you mean 'there you go'?" I asked mocking his voice at the end.

He chuckled, "I want to call you something no one else does. You know my own personal pet name for you."

I scoffed in disbelief. He never ceased to amaze me. How could someone so good looking as him take an interest in me. when I first saw him, he looked mean. You know the bad boy type. He was so good looking. And when he wanted to be my English partner I almost lost control of my bowels. And here he was giving me a pet name as if it were the most natural thing for him. I felt butterflies erupting in my stomach at the very thought that he might actually care for me. But there is this little voice in the back of my head telling me to keep my distance. 

Do I listen to my heart and see where this goes... Or do I listen to my head and stop this now.

 Or do I listen to my head and stop this now

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Hey guys so here’s another chapter hope you enjoyed it.

Kinda ended on a somber note but stay tuned for the next chapter.

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Luv you!!!😘😘

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