Chapter 27

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I took the envelope from her and read the contents of it.


I am writing to you hoping you are well. As for myself I am well. I know I left you wondering what happened to me. When I left you, I left you on bad terms. At the time I didn't realize the damage I was doing to you and your brother, but since leaving I have been attending rehab, and it has helped me realize the damage that my alcoholism has caused, not only to myself but to you two. I am now sober and hope that in time we can work on rebuilding our relationship. Until then if you want to contact me my number is 201-775-6235. I hope to hear from you soon.


I looked at her and she resumed her crying.

"Lizzie? What are you thinking?" I asked her, wanting to know what she was planning on doing.

"He seems sincere in his writing. I mean maybe I can finally go back to being a kid again. I mean maybe I can apply for some colleges and start up like next year or something. Cause you know I had to leave high school early. So maybe if I finish senior year online I can continue school while he works," she told me.

I can't deny that it would be a weight off her shoulders if he came back but the man was an abusive drunk, something here could trigger him, what if he starts up again?

"I mean it's your call. I'll be okay with whatever you know because I don't want what happened before to happen again you know with Mr. Madison. But it's on you Sissie," I told her.

She looked at me with tears in her eyes. I knew she was remembering all the things that we went through when he was here and now he wants to come back and we don't know how all this is going to play out.

"I want things to go back, at least a little, to the way it was before the break in," she said tears streaming down her face.

"I-I'm gonna tell him to come back," she said quietly, almost in a whisper.

I just nodded at her.

She got up to find her phone and dialed his number.

"H-hello? Dad? Yeah it's Lizzie. Umm I got your letter today, umm..." she paused.

"Yeah I read it. Umm... Yeah... Yeah, and I just called you know just to tell you that umm you can come back," she said. 

"Ok... Umm so like at seven? Seven thirty? Yeah seven is fine. Yeah ok see you then," she hung up.

She took a deep breathe and sighed. "I'm gonna go back to bed," she said and walked up the stairs. Then she stopped and turned back to me, "Wake me up at six forty five please he wants to take us to dinner," she told me.

"Ok," I said.


I walked up the stairs to my bed and threw myself face down and the next thing darkness surrounds me.

I woke up with a jump. I looked at my phone and it said three seventeen. Caleb didn't wake me up! I thought to myself. 

I called my dad and he didn't pick up. He must be so upset. I thought again. 

I went downstairs into the living-room and all the lights were off. when I turned to the direction of the kitchen there was a light on.

I went in and saw Tyler sitting at the island. He looked at me surprised.

He's surprised imagine me he's in my house uninvited and unannounced.

"Tyler? What are you doing in my house?" I asked him.

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