Chapter 33

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Lizzie's POV

"Mariaaa" I whined.

"No mija I cannot. Do you know what Mr. Gio would do if I let you out?" she said.

"He wouldn't do anything to you. Just say I escaped. I found the key, and escaped," I stated.

"No. The answer is no," she said waving her finger in my face.

"And when he finds me I'll just tell him that you had nothing to do with it," I continued.

"No! Now eat your food will get cold," she stated pushing the plate toward me.

I folded my arms across my chest, "I'm not hungry," I pouted.

"Look mijita I will speak to him. I will try to make him understand it is not healthy for you to be here all the time by yourself," she said. And my eyes lit up.

"Pero tienes que comer. You must eat," she said pushing the plate even closer to me.

I immediately picked up the fork and ate a piece of the waffles in front of me.

Later That Night...

I heard the door to the bedroom close, waking me from a sleep I didn't even realize I had fallen into.

I sat up and watched Gio place a briefcase on his desk in the room, and then start taking off his blazer, tie and lastly his shirt, before sitting at the foot of the bed, untying his shoe.

"So Maria tells me you want to go out. That you feel trapped," he stated, and my heart begins to race thinking he'll blow up.

He sat there staring at the wall, then resumed his previous task of removing his shoes.

"Well?" he demands.

"Y-yes," I admit.

He turns to me, and tho my surprise he smiled, "I guess it was stupid of me to keep you cooped up here all alone," he said.

I looked at him nervously, but dropped my gaze as he made his way over to the side of the bed where I was and stood there eyeing me. He grabbed my chin with his thumb and forefinger and guided it up so I was looking at him, "I'll take the day off tomorrow and take you out," he said. 

My heart jumped for joy. I was so happy that I couldn't help but smile, which made him smile.

He let me go and walked into the bathroom.

I sat there thinking of what I wanted to do and my mind starting to wander as to how I was going to escape. How was I going to get away or distract him long enough to run? Also how am I gonna slip away from the guards I'm sure will be surrounding us?

My eyes were looking around the room and they landed on the briefcase on the desk. I was wandering what was inside. And just as I got up I heard the shower turn on. So I waited until I thought he was in the shower to run over to the briefcase and do some snooping.

I opened it and saw some folders and another laptop. I opened it and noticed it was different. How? This one had a password.

I tried different things.




What if it's his birthday?

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