Chapter 35

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Caleb's POV

"Dad I swear I saw her. She was walking right toward me but then this guy came close to her and grabbed her by her arm and I realized I couldn't intervene. So I hid, and watched her from a distance," I explained to my dad.

"Ok we have to tell the police," he said.

I nodded.

We drove down to the police station.

"Hi I need to speak with Officer Rivera, he and the FBI are working on a case about my daughter Elizabeth Meyers," my dad said to one of the officers there.

"Mr. Meyers. How can I help you?" Officer Rivera asked walking up to us.

"Actually we have something. Or rather my son does," he said looking at me.

"I saw my sister at the Garden State Mall yesterday," I confessed.

He took a deep breathe, "Well that is something... Ok come with me," he said and we followed.

He led us into an office where Agent Mendez and Agent Welsh were.

"Agent Mendez," Officer Rivera called and she looked over to us and looked at me.

She walked over and greeted us.

"You remember Mr. Meyers and his son," she smiled at me and shook my fathers hand.

"Yes how are you, sir?" she asked.

"Well I'm doing a bit better now. My son says that he has see my daughter today at the Garden State Mall," he said.

She looked back at her colleagues and made eye contact with Agent Welsh then looked back at us, "Agent Welsh and I will go with the rest of our team and investigate. Are you sure it was her?" she asked.

"Yes. Oh! and do you remember when I wrote you that list of people I suspected?" I asked her.

She nodded, "Yes."

"Well I think I know who it is that has her. Can I see the list again?" I said to her.

She went away for a second and returned with the sheet.

I looked it over. Now I know it's not any of her friends so Benjamin is out. Unfortunately Tyler and Alana are as well. I kinda wanted them to go away for what they did to her, guess I'm kinda petty that way. But anyway, I don't even know why I suspected Kathy. I crossed out Dad and Mr. Madison too. And that girl Jennifer.

That only left that Gio guy.

That might be who has him.

"Yeah, we were afraid of that," she said.

I looked at her confused, "What do you mean?"

"Well all this time we've not only been looking for your sister but we've been checking on all the other people on the list and all their alibis check out. The only one we haven't been able to confirm is Gio," she stated. "But now that you said you've seen him we're a little closer."

"What about that girl Jennifer. I crossed her out but my sister had a confrontation with her a few days before she disappeared," I told her.

"Well actually she is another one we can't get any information on. You wouldn't happen to have a picture of her would you?" she asked.

"Maybe... But why can't you find out who she is the same way you found Gio?" I asked.

"Well the thing is we found Gio through an Eric Madison. And this Jennifer girl we have no idea who she is," she told me.

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