Chapter 43

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Lizzie's POV

"While I was in the coma, although I wasn't able to move or talk or do anything, I was able to hear everything. Obviously unless I was asleep," I said.

"So you heard pretty much everything that went on in the hospital," he asked.

"Well yes and no. Like for example Caleb told me about when he got beat up again, all I remember was him telling me and I was so angry. I wished I was conscious so I could end the kid but I couldn't move and I heard rapid beeping and shouting and the next thing I new I was out again. Then I woke up to you and Kathy talking, and..."  I trailed off.

"And what?" he asked.

"And I heard you talking about our past," I said not wanting to come right out and say it. "I heard you explain why you did it and how sorry you were," I felt tears run down my face and a small sob escaped my mouth.

He came up to me and tilted my head up to look at him and when I looked into his eyes I saw a deep sorrow that was almost too intense to explain, "I am sorry," he said, his voice raspy and quiet. "So sorry." Silent tears running down his cheeks.

"I know," I whispered, "I know."

He opened his eyes, "I forgive you. Even though you were a little bit of a jerk when I came back to you," I joked. "But you changed and I like this Madison a lot more," I confessed.

He had a small smile on his face, "Like I said, I forgive you but it's going to take a long time to regain my trust. You know how much I trusted you before that happened. But now we can start to rebuild it and maybe even make it stronger," I said to him.

He looked at me and I couldn't quite place the look in his eyes, "What?" I asked.

"I absolutely admire you," he said his smile growing bigger as he spoke.

"Why?" I asked him not understanding.

"Because even after so much has happened and so much hurt that you've been out through, you still find it in your heart to forgive," he said.

"Because forgiveness is not only for the other person it's for you too. I won't have any quality of life if I'm living to only resent people. No matter how hard they've hurt me, and I hope that people would do the same for me," I told him and he smiled again pulling me into a hug.

"Like I said I admire you so much," he said and I was now the one to smile.









We spent most of the day talking, well mostly Madison talking about changes that have been made in his "family business" and me listening.

He told me about Caleb and why we were here and we made plans to see my dad as soon as possible and now we're waiting til Caleb and Kathy get here so we can surprise them.

Hours have gone by Madison not wanting to leave my side and vice versa. So he got me a laptop, which was the one that I used when Gio was here but now it's free of any locks. Meaning I can go to any website without needing a password or code.

When I was with Gio he had to approve everything be it pertaining to wardrobe, books, anything. Anything and everything had to go through him which pissed me off to no end. So now I can shop for whatever I want and Madison said he'll cover it. I won't trespass on his generosity for very long. We actually had a small argument because he wanted to give me his card, so I would have free rein of it but I didn't want that. It doesn't seem right to do that so he ended up winning this one only because I didn't have anything to do and shopping was usually how I spent my time. That and hanging around Mary but since she's to stay in the kitchen and Madison didn't want me to leave his side I couldn't be with her.

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