Chapter 32

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It was brought to my attention from a friend reading the book that I did everyone's POV but Benjamin's which I'm sorry for. I completely forgot about it. So I'm putting it in this chapter.

Please don't hate me.

But anyways enjoy!


Benjamin's POV

Why? Why did I break up with her. I thought to myself sitting in the middle of my room.

She was the best thing that ever happened to me. Why didn't I believe her? If she said she didn't cheat on me I should've taken her word for it.

Now she probably thinks that I don't care about her or what we had because my crazy ex decided to show up at the "perfect" time and of course I made the second worst decision of my  life, the first being, breaking up with Lizzie.

My life is so slow now that I don't have her as my own. We were so good together. Now I can't even function without her.

I heard my phone ring on my desk across the room, I was too engrossed in my thoughts that I wanted to let it ring but I felt the sudden urge to pick it up, so I stood up and saw that it was Caleb.


"Hey Benjamin? It's Caleb," he said.

"What's up?" I asked wondering if I should ask how Lizzie was. Although if he's calling it might be Lizzie wanting to know how I was and using him as a way to find out without her taking that first step.

"I just wanted to let you know that Lizzie's gone. She either up and left or she's been kidnapped. The police think it was kidnapped because the door was left open, she left her phone, and all her stuff is here. I just thought you should know. Also they want to know who she was in contact with before she was taken, so if you know anything tell the FBI when they speak to you cause they will come to speak to you," He said

"Wait wh-" CLICK

He hung up on me.

But wait! She's gone! Who would kidnap her. Why would they?

The police want to know who she's been in contact with, then I remembered that one guy.

I grabbed my phone and flipped through the pictures. I screenshotted the picture of that guy kissing her.

Found it!

I grabbed my keys and hopped in my car, and I drove down to the police station.

When I arrived I ran in and approached the front desk.

"Yes sir may I help you?" the lady asked.

"Yes I think I have something that may contribute in a missing persons case," I told her.

"Which person sir?"

"Elizabeth Meyers," I stated.

She picked up her desk phone dialed some numbers and waited, "Yes there is a young man that needs to speak to one of the agents working on the Elizabeth Meyers case..." she said, I guess she was listening to the person on the other side. "Ok," she said then she hung up.

"Go up to the third floor it's the first door on the left," she directed.

And with that I sprinted up the stairs not wanting to waste time with the elevator.

I made it to the door and knocked, through the clear glass on the door I saw a man motion me in.

"I'm Agent Michael Cane," he said.

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