Chapter 28

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A few days later


"Hey," I said.

"Hey, What's up girl?" Kathy said on the other end.

"I need your help. So you know about me and Benjamin right?" 

"The insensitive low life scum that broke up with you? Yeah," she said.

I chuckled "Ok so I told you about how fast he moved on right?"


"Ok so yesterday I had a dream about Tyler... and he was apologizing for cheating," I told her.

"Ok and?"

"And I think that maybe it's a sign..."

"A sign? A sign of what that you should get back with him?" she laughed.

"Maybe... Because he never got together with anyone else after cheating, and he didn't even talk to Alana after I found out," I said.

"So you're thinking of getting back together with him?" she asked in disbelief.

"I don't know maybe not right away, but maybe like try to be friends with him and then later maybe date, I don't know what do you think?" I asked her.

She sighed deeply, "Look, you just got out of a relationship, I think you just need to focus on you right now. Leave relationships on the back burner and like we've been talking about you know going back to school. You know your dad's back in the picture now and he seems to be doing well with you guys right?" 

"Yeah," I said.

"Well then let your dad take care of the responsibilities, leave the boys and do you, for now," she said.

"I think you right. Thank you Kath," I said.

"No problem, just pace yourself alright," she said.

"Yeah... I'll see you later." 

"Alright, bye."


Kathy and I have been talking about getting me into college after I told her about my dad coming back.

After my mom died my dad stayed a while and I kept going to school. Then he became an alcoholic and he then he left. When he left I stayed for a bit but then I had to go to work to keep food on the table. The trip to Disney was a bad decision because it wiped out a lot of money, but it got Caleb's mind off of things. After that, that's when I started up with Mr. Madison. I have no idea what I was thinking doing that but I was desperate. At first it was painful but he seemed different. Like he actually felt remorse for what he did to me. Benjamin was like a light in the darkness for me after all the pain I felt. Then he hurt me by not trusting me and breaking up with me. But Kathy was right I'd just be complicating my life if I got back with Tyler. 

The next day I decided to apply for some more colleges. It was difficult because I had to finish high school online and everything but I eventually finished and started applying. I applied a few out of state. I'm thinking of dorming just to get out of here. I need a change of pace. I want to go to Florida or New York or something like that. I'd have to see how things go and which colleges accept me or not.

I was almost done when I heard the doorbell ring. It was late so I had no idea who it could be.

"Elizabeth Meyers?"


"I'm here to tell you that your brother Caleb Meyers has been arrested for petty theft," the officer said.

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