Chapter 41

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Picture of Slim up top. (Played by Jesse Metcalfe)

Madison's POV

"Boss?" I looked up at Angelo with tired eyes.

"Boss I know you want to be here for her but nothing's happened for the past three months," he said and I grew agitated.

It's been three months already, and everyday it's the same thing. I've been sleeping in my own house again, although I'm here everyday after working for a few hours.

It's just my mind can't think straight with her here. I lay awake at night thinking what if she never wakes up.

She missed Christmas and we are a week into the new year and she's still not awake.

"I was thinking," Angelo started, bringing me out of my thoughts, "That maybe we could move her into the house and hire a full time nurse to take care of her. That way she's always near so you can concentrate on work but she's always near a medical professional."

I thought on the idea. It actually wasn't a terrible idea.

Now I can keep a close eye on both her and her brother.

I had to move Caleb into the house because just as I thought, his father's spiral got worse. I just did think it would this quick. As soon as he saw that nothing was changing with Lizzie he started drinkng heavily.

So much for rehab.

Anyway he started taking it out on Caleb and for the kid's own safety I had to move him in with me. I think he's ok with it I mean I know he probably thinks it's weird to be at his principal's house but when you think about it I'm doing this more for Lizzie than anyone else. And I know she would do anything to get Caleb away from her father when he's like this.

I was thinking too much again. I know, because when I looked at Angelo he was still waiting for an answer.

"Arrange it with the doctor and get Slim on finding a suitable nurse for her," I said. He looked pleased and went to do as he was ordered.

Angelo took care of all the arrangements and Slim got my old medical staff instead of a solitary nurse for multiple reasons. He says that if the nurse needs to and I quote "take a dump" no one will be supervising Lizzie. And when I thought about it some more I realized he was right. What if something should happen and we need more than just one nurse.

We should be prepared for anything. So I had Slim call in my old medical staff. Gio got rid of them and found his own when I left so now that he's gone I've brought mine back.

As they hooked her up and settled themselves in I noticed Caleb at the door.

"What's happening," he asked.

"She's going to be staying here from now on, I'll tell you more tomorrow," I said to him. His eyes grew wide as he walked over to his motionless sister.

Pulled up a chair and sat next to her holding her hand. The staff had already dispersed to put their things in their old rooms, they would be back in a bit. Right now it waa just us three.

Caleb sat there for a long while holding Lizzie's hand and I assume thinking. I observed him carefully and couldn't help bit wonder what was running through his head.

The staff came back in and I look at the clock the grandfather clock standing near the door and it read four twenty three.

I have to sleep.

I patted Caleb on the shoulder, "We should turn in now little man," I whispered to him, he looked up at me and nodded. He let go of her hand stood up and kissed her forehead then left and I followed not too far behind.

I walk out of the room and saw that Caleb was at the top of the stairs walking toward his room.

Poor kid.

He has thought feelings and emotions too but has no one ro talk to about them. Maybe I should arrange for jim to see someone, like a therapist or something.

I walk up the stairs myself and into my room. I remove my clothes and slip into bed. I lay in bed for a few minutes before I give in to the sleepyness. And for the first time in three months I've slept soundly knowing that she's safe.


I wake up the next morning refreshed. Something I haven't felt in a while so I get up and shower. I put a plain black suit on and walk downstairs into the kitchen, and see Caleb already in there downing some orange juice.

I sit down at the island as a maid sets a plate with eggs, bacon, and waffles on it, along with some orange juice of my own and syrup.

The maid refills Calebs glass and he clears his throat.

"So..." he says.

"Uhhh so this Saturday is my uhh birt- birthday. And I was thinking- well I was hoping that maybe... I don't know I could invite a friend over just to play video games and stuff, you know," he looked down at his plate and played with his egg swirling it around.

"You know wh- nevermind. It was stupid of me to ask. What am I thinking? I can't be thinking of this when Lizzie's in a coma. I need to be there for her," he said although as he kept talking it was more to himself like he was scolding himself or reminding himself of the situation, and I admired his selflessness.

"Invite whoever you want just let Angelo know what you need for that day and he'll take care of it," I told him.

His eyes lit up, "Really?!" he asked excitedly and I nodded. "Thanks." he said as he finished his food, his smile never leaving his face.

He needs a pick-me-up, we all do.

"Hello?!" I heard Kathy yell from the foyer.

"In here," Caleb yelled.

"Hey bud ready?" she asked him and he nodded finishing off his food and juice.

"Did you hear? Lizzie's here," he told her excitedly.

"As in she's awake?" She asked alarmed looking at me.

"No," I answered. "But we decided it was beat to move her in here. That way she's taken care of and I know she's safe," and she nodded her head understanding.

"Well we should go or we'll be late," she said to Caleb ruffling his hair. He glared at her and fixed it again.

I saw them off and closed the front door.

I went back to finish my breakfast.

Once I finished I went in to see Lizzie only when I entered her room she was... gone.



This chapter was more of a filler, sorry if it was a little boring.

But anyway hope you enjoyed and I'll catch you in the next chapter.

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