Chapter 10: Nothing is Black and White Only Grey

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A/n: If you find any spelling or grammar error, please feel free to point it out so I may correct it.

(Y/n) = Your name

(S/c) = Skin color

(H/c) = Hair color

(F/c) = Favorite color

(N/n) = Nickname

[.....] = Texting/Writing

Third Person P.O.V

It's been about a day and a half since (Y/n) went along with Blake, but every now and then he would go off to do some "business" for Roman. Honestly, he's annoyed that Roman has been telling him to not go to their hideout in Vale for some reason. Saying that "If you came here now, you would lose it.", this confused (Y/n) greatly seeing that there weren't many things in the world that would make him "lose it". But he was also annoyed with Blake and the monkey Faunus named Sun Wukong.

He was already annoyed with Sun after the whole throwing a banana peel in his face and being someone he doesn't know or trust, but he restrained himself from "hurting" him for Blake. But Blake also was annoying him for not explaining anything after asking him if he wanted to learn more about her. But he was patient and the thought of leaving a friend alone with a random person made him bare with all the uncomfort he was feeling. Besides, it wasn't like he was busy or anything.

Right now, the three of them were sitting at a table on a balcony of a cafe. Sun sat across from Blake and (Y/n) sat next to both of them eating a shortcake with strawberries peacefully.

But Blake finally decided to talk her about her past with both of them, much to Sun's joy as he shown by raising his arms in the air happily, while (Y/n) just sigh as he just started eating his shortcake.

Sun: "Finally, she speaks! Nearly two days and you've given us nothing but small talk. Heck you two also been giving me weird looks." he said as he raised his tea cup with his tail in front of him.

(Y/n) only gave him a look full of hate before calming himself by eating a piece of his cake.

Blake glared at sun for wanting her to just get to the point when she needed time to mental prepare herself. She was going to explain her past that she didn't want to remember.

Sun: "Ya! Like those looks. Geez what's the big deal? It's not like you killed someone or anything." he joked to them.

Blake only rolled her eyes to what Sun said. But (Y/n) only stared blankly at him. He killed more than enough people and it wasn't a big deal to him. It was similar to crushing a bug.

The thing was that (Y/n) already had a strand of his blood wire running down his cloak facing towards Sun, ready to pierce his heart if he tried anything. But a sudden voice spoke up to him.

Cara: "Don't. We can't afford Blake or anyone else finding out about us yet. promised. Don't kill." she said to him.

He looked down to his shortcake and smiled, retracting the wire back into his arm. He was glad to have someone like Cara with him, he doesn't know why, but he felt relaxed when he heard her voice.

(Y/n): 'And don't be killed. I know, I know. But can we at least agree on killing bad people is ok' he asked her curiously as he heard a groan.

Cara: "Fine...only "bad" people because we can't have us being killed." she stated.

Suddenly, (Y/n) felt something wrap around his neck and something rest against his head. He knew it was Cara, he didn't know how, but it just "felt" like her.

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