Can't Break Free

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"Ouch". I heard myself saying inside my head. I was asleep but went to turn over but a searing pain seized my throat. The earlier event's came back to me causing me to fully awaken. The last thing I remembered was Staveno picking me up cradling me like I was a child.

Looking around I noticed I was in my bedroom at my very own place. I knew it wasn't a dream, that everything really did happen. My sore throat was evidence enough. I slung the covers off me and saw neat bandages on my knees from where they had gotten scraped when I tumbled from the car. How did i get here? More importantly where is Staveno and what about Ace?

My house had a vague quietness about it. I heard no voices or movement's, not even a television in the background. Easing out of my bed I padded down the hallway toward the burning kitchen light. I peeked through the kitchen and saw Staveno standing by the counter chopping vegetables. "What are you doing here?" I tried to say but my throat was so soar it came out sounding like a wounded cat.

I placed my hand over my throat and winced with pain. Staveno turned around and gave me a sympathetic smile. "Oh love, I know your in pain. Here go lie on the sofa".

Before I could refuse, Staveno was ushering me toward my living room. I caught my reflection in the hall mirror. "Oh my God". I tried to say as my eye's watered.

My neck looked as if I had got into a brawl with a boxer. Hideous purple and blue bruises covered it and the swelling was obvious. "Come love, your still beautiful to me. Now just relax and let me care for you".

Steveno propped pillows under my head on the sofa and tucked a blanket around me and handed me the t.v. remote. "Now,  I'll be back".

Moment's later he reappeared with warm tea and honey for my throat and positioned a ice pack wrapped in a soft cloth on my neck. "Sit tight love. I'm making you my special soup." He smiled and disappeared.

Not having much choice I tuned into my favorite Netflix series and waited. The smells from the kitchen had my mouth watering and I realized how hungry I was. Finally he reappeared carrying a trey that contained a bowl of soup and bread. I looked at the soup questionably. Staveno gave a shrug. "It's an old Italian recipe. It will have you feeling new in no time".

It did smell wonderful so I dipped the spoon in and took my first taste. My taste buds came alive at the succulent flavors but I did have a time trying to swallow. However after a few swallows I noticed it became easier, like my throat had relaxed. I finished the bowl off as he Smiled. "Good isn't it?"

I could only muster up a small smile in reply. "I'll get you more". He said walking off.

It was if nothing happened today to him. My mind soared with questions but I was stuck with this bleeding ruptured throat and couldn't speak. He came back with more soup that I greedily slurped down then went for my phone. Finding Staveno's number I shot him a text.

"Explain today".

I watched as Staveno received the message and rolled his eye's. "First you are my main concern. I don't care to talk about today until your better. I won't have you getting upset while your injured".

Clearly that isn't the answer I wanted and I'm sure my face told him that as I got busy tapping out on my phone.

"Where is Ace?"

I saw a glimmer of anger flicker across his face as he read this. "I don't care where he is. He was going to kill you Jacey. My men took care of it. This conversation is over now."

Oh no it's not I thought. Not able to talk was beyond frustrating. I turned to pounding out on my phone once again.

"What do you mean your men took care of it. Did you kill him?"

Steveno jumped up and started pacing with irritation. It was clear he was mad at me but he had no right to be. I was asking questions anyone would ask. "No I didn't kill him". He spat.

"I wanted to and he deserved it but I didn't because of you. Yes, I personally beat the shit out of him but the bastard will recover. I made a deal with him. As long as he never comes near you in any fashion and keeps this entire altercation between us I will use my connections to help him get a seat on the political board. If he breaks the rules then yes, he will die".

My nerves simmered down at hearing that Ace was still alive. Not that I wanted to see him or anything but I don't wish death on anyone. I know now that killing is a major part of Staveno's job and I still don't know how to feel about that. I had to know though.

"How many people have you killed?"

"Jacey that is an inappropriate question. Doesn't matter". He said

Oh he knew how to unravel me.

"Yes it does. If we do have a chance I need to know everything about you. No secrets this time".

Steveno remained still and just sat there in quite refusing to answer me. I waited over five minutes and still nothing. Anger filled me and I lashed out through another text.

"Fine. You can go now. I'm perfectly cableable of looking after myself".

I didn't wait for him to read the text, I stood up and marched to the bathroom to draw me a bath. The hot water eased my sore muscles and I shut my mind off. Midway through the door opened softly and Staveno stepped in and took a seat on a stool. "Fine. I'll tell you but I'm afraid you may see me differently".

I nodded indicating for him to continue. "I deal hard drug's, guns among other things. I open businesses throughout Italy to bring in money, you know like restaurants, clubs and such. I run an underground gambling ring for fighting, sport's, whatever will bring in high bets. When people don't pay up I send a verbal warning. The second time my men rough them up a bit and the third it's finetto. I give them plenty of time to pay up but I won't be played. Mostly my men do the killing for me. However as you already know I have enemies all over. They would love to take me out and take over my dealings and client's. So yes, I do kill. To answer your question I've killed around fifty or so. I had my first kill at fourteen. I was made to do it... and now, now it just comes natural as breathing to me".

Wow, that was a lot to digest. Now I didn't know what to say. Could I possibly be with someone so dangerous who is also sought after people like himself? I looked up at him and could see the struggle of emotions on his face. He just laid his secrets out to me and now it was my turn to decide if I could handle them.

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