4 - Even The Smart One Falls

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"What the hell? I thought she likes me." Erick ran his hands through his hairs in disappointment. When Joel asked him why would he think so, he explained the way Cassandra looks at him back at the bar. "Everyone looks at you like that, bro. Wait until you sleep with them, then it'll all be gone. What ever it is, we don't want him to be with her tonight, do we?" 

Exchanging looks with each other, it seems like both Joel and Erick got the same thing in mind. Erick nods, as they went back to his room and took his phone. He dialed a phone number, with a smirk on his face. 

Chris swirls the glass of wine in his hand, giving Cassandra the look, hoping that he's going to get it tonight. "What if I tell you I'm a prince?" He leaned in closer to her. 

"That will answer the question I have in my head since the first time I got here." Cassandra softly plays with her fingers on his shoulder. "Who's the flirty prince the girls been drooling on?" She breathes into his ears. 

"Do you really wanna know who he is? I can show him to you." He grins, taking her chin with his index finger and thumb. They almost kissed, but his phone blew up. "Oh, fuck." He sighed before he took the call. "No, I'm not. Who told you that? Fine, I'll be back." He said to the phone before he put it down. "I'm sorry, Cass. I have to go. Family matters." He rushed his way out. 

Back in the palace, Chris holds his phone up, the screen showed a man's face. "See? I'm back at the palace." Chris said, as he rotate his phone around, showing the whole interior of the palace. "And I'm not bringing anyone with me, dad." He sighed. "I'm warning you, Bryant. If you keep boiling my blood by smearing shit on our family's name, I'll marry you off. Maybe a wife is what it takes to teach you to be more responsible." With that, his father ended the video call. 

Unlike himself, Chris's father is a highly moral man. He never agrees with Chris's way of living, but can do nothing other than lecturing and threatening him with marriage. Usually the threat will only work for a week. After that, Chris will get back to being himself. 

Chris knew it must be one of his cousins that snitch on him, but he just let it slide and get into his bedroom. He'll make sure to beat their ass the first thing tomorrow morning. 

The next morning Chris woke up a little bit late. As soon as he opened his eyes he immediately walked out from his room, to the dining room where his other cousins are having breakfast. Standing behind both Richard and Erick, he slap the back of their heads at the same time. 

That makes Richard spill the juice he's drinking onto his shirt. "What was that for, Vélez?" He yells. Erick holds his laugh, knowing that Chris hits the innocent one. "Which one of you fools called my father last night?" He asked. 

From across the table, Zabdiel raised both his hands in surrender and shook his head no. Richard keeps complaining that he has nothing to do with it. That leaves only Erick as a suspect since Joel is absent. 

Chris pulled Erick's chair backwards, as he bent down next to Erick's caught-up face. "That leaves only you, Erick Brian Colon." He speaks through gritted teeth. Knowing that he can't say anything to defend himself, Erick immediately stood up. "I'm not the only one, Joel was in it as well." He confessed. They all turned their head on the empty chair where Joel used to sit. "And where is he?" Chris asked them, who never seen Joel since they left their room. 

In the meantime Joel is already in Cassandra's house, using the excuse of returning her purse just to have some alone time with her early in the morning. "It smells good in here." Joel said, rubbing his palms as he walked into the kitchen. "Get out, it's just french toasts." She let out a small laugh, inviting him to have breakfast together. 

"Last night you mentioned that you're into Literature. Maybe I can help with anything?" Joel offered. "Ah, your cousin Zabdiel said I can join his lesson with his mentor. He's so nice. All of you are nice, actually." Cassandra answered. Damn, even Zabdiel is a head of me. Joel speaks in his mind. 

He can't help staring at her, still can't figure out what makes her so gorgeous even when she's only wearing a black T shirt with her hair tied in a messy ponytail. Cassandra caught him staring so he quickly think of something to say. "Since you're new around here, what if I show you around? Then we'll hit the beach. How does that sounds?" 

Cassandra repeatedly nods her head with joy in her face. After a few minutes of getting ready, she gets out of her room and leaves with Joel.

They had some good talks about each other while strolling around town, making Joel thinks he has know a lot about Cassandra in a short time, unaware that half of the facts were just lies. Even the smart ones loses when it comes to interpersonal attraction, just after one or two feeds of Cassandra's deception, he diminished all his doubts on her.

"Time for the beach!!!" Joel screams, excited. When they got to the beach he takes off his shirt, leaving only a shorts. Looking at the back of his body, Cassandra almost loses her breath. God dammit he's a hot one. 

She loses herself at the sight of his hot bod when Joel stopped walking and look over his shoulder

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She loses herself at the sight of his hot bod when Joel stopped walking and look over his shoulder. "Cass? Are you coming?" he asked. "Coming!" she ran to him.

They had a great time swimming and playing in the water, at one point Joel feels as if the time has stopped. "Does it hurts when you fall from heaven?" he speaks out of sudden.

Cassandra chuckles. "Nope, because I actually came out from hell." she answered, holding his face in her hands when she said that. Then she laugh it off, leaving him in the water.

"Oh, so that explains the smoking hot look that comes along with you." Joel yells from the back, trailing behind her as she walks by the shore.

Cassandra turns around, wearing her seductive smirk. "Are you flirting with me, Prince Pimentel?" she arched her brow to him.

Joel fastens his pace and grabbed her waist before she can run away. "I guess so. You're something else, Cassandra Biers." he says, locking his brown eyes into hers. Out of Cassandra's consent, she already falls into him as much as he falls for her lies.

Kat gives me the idea for that cheesy fall from heaven lines 😂 it's ironic since she actually comes from hell. Don't forget to touch that small star to vote 😘

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