43 - Replaced

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A minister came into the palace as he was summoned by Jared. He came with his daughter that just got back to the country after years of studying abroad. While the father is meeting Jared, his daughter roams around the palace garden.

Chris just came back from training, when he noticed an unfamiliar face in the garden. He then tells his other cousins to get in first, as he approaches the girl. It starts with random questions that come across his mind in attempt to get to know her.

"Let me take you out tonight." Chris cuts the chase.

She gives him a confused look. "I am just a minister's daughter. Not a princess." she clears herself out.

Chris laughs, as he locks his eyes on hers. The thing he does that works on every girl he flirts with. "You can be my princess tonight." he says, making her blushes even more than she already has.

That night as promised, he takes her out for a date. Chris first takes her to watch a movie. When they're done they walk around town, talking about themselves.

The conversation is getting better, as they starts to be more open up with each other. They jokes around, then the rain comes pouring down. That's when the girl make a small kick to a puddle, making a splash on Chris's pants before she runs.

"Mami, stop running." Chris says, chasing after a his date. She was giggling, playfully running away from him in the rain.

"Try to catch me, Prince Velez." the girl teases him.

"Oh, be careful what you ask for." Chris fastens his pace. He then caught her hand and pulls her closer to him, grabbing him by her waist.

He remove her wet strain of hair from her face. "Look at that pretty face." he smirks. "It would be a waste if I didn't do this." he says, leaning down to press his lips against hers.

"A prince just kissed me

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"A prince just kissed me." she says smiling. "Because someone as perfect as you deserves it." Chris replies before he pulls her in for another kiss.

When they pull away the girl blushes, covering her face as she shook her head. Chris put her hands down and tilt her chin up. "Mami what's wrong?" he asks gently.

"You just called me perfect. I'm not." she answers humbly.

Just like every other girl Chris flirted with, she doesn't know Chris doesn't mean every word he said. He just says it to get her drawn into him.

"Oh mami you look perfect to me, that's why I said it. Do I look like I'm lying?" he gave her an assuring smile.

The girl looks at him and shook her head. "Then don't doubt it when I praise you, beautiful. Because I mean it." he plays his tounge.

Chris takes off his jacket and use it to sheild her from the rain as they try to find a shelter. They settled down under an empty bus stop. "Why did we spent minutes kissing in the rain again? We're soaking wet now." she laughs as they were both shivering.

"Because I couldn't waste another moment without giving you what you deserved." Chris answers.

They both stare at each other. Chris eyes went down to her lips, as he let out a flirtatious smirk. "It's cold. Let's heat ourselves up." he says, cupping her face and gives her another kiss. And as he said it, the kiss heated up in instant.

Standing in a distance, two sets of eyes were watching over Chris and his date smooching with each other. "See? None of them remember you. Even him." Mara, the woman that saved Riki's life says, smiling in satisfaction.

Jodi can't move her eyes from what she's watching. "He said he'll change and love only me." she asks in disbelief. Her heart shattered as she sees him kissing someone else with such pleasure. Tears starts running down her face.

Mara holds Jodi's arms and gave her a gentle stroke

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Mara holds Jodi's arms and gave her a gentle stroke. "They've all moved on without you. You don't exist in their life anymore. If you don't believe me, we can check again next time." she tells her.

Jodi nods. She closed her eyes and turns her face away as the scene that Chris creates with his date becomes unbearable for her to witness. She then tells Mara to take her back to where they were staying.

Back into their house, Lucian was waiting for them in the living room. "Done making sure where you stand in your so called family's life?" he asks Jodi.

She didn't answer, she looks down to the ground instead. Mara then gave her a hug. "She's already hurt, Lucian. Leave her alone."

Lucian raised his brows, giving the both of them unbothered look. "If you're brokenhearted Lucas is in his room. Go please yourself." he tells her.

Jodi excuses herself and gets into her room. Lucas comes in a few minutes later, as Lucian told him to. "Remember before this you used me to make him jealous?" he says, leaning on his side against the door frame.

"He doesn't even know who I am now. How would he get jealous like he did before?" she asks without looking at him.

"I know how they did it. Using a weak spell from a young witch. You can ask Mara to undo it. But I have a better idea." he says.

She moves her eyes on him. Everytime she looks at him his charm works on her. She gets off from the bed and walks towards him. "Tell me about it." she says.

Lucas can feel the heat rising in her body. "Just do whatever your body tells you to do. Then we'll talk about our plan." he says, letting her touch his face and kiss his lips.

"This is how he did it just now." she breathed into his lips as tears rolls down her cheeks.

Her love for Chris is too strong it gets in between her lust for Lucas. "I'm not fucking with a sadist." Lucas hissed, pushing her hands off him and slammed the door behind him as he left her room.

That night Jodi sat alone on her bed. She holds her legs and buries her face on her knees. "I don't mind everyone else moving on without me. But how could you forget about me that easily, Chris?" she cries.

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