30 - Took The Bait

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Lucas took Jodi to his house

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Lucas took Jodi to his house. She was drawn into his eyes, his whiskey soaked voice was so enchanting she couldn't resist him. Before Lucas can do anything to her, Riki comes out from his room.

At first he thought it was just a random girl Lucas brought home with him. Until he took a closer look he finally saw who it was. "What is she doing here? What have you done?" he growls at Lucas.

Lucas rolls his eyes, and draw moves his finger in front of Jodi's face. Later, she closed her eyes and falls asleep. "I found them in the nest. I took one home just to as a bait to get your sister back to us." he answers.

"They can't find the nest if you don't allow them to. You did it on purpose!" Riki ran towards Jodi and check on her. "You didn't do anything stupid to her, do you?" he asks nervously. "Nah, you appeared before I had a chance to." Lucas replies. Looking at Riki's worried face, Lucas squinted his eyes in suspicious. "I'll summon your father." he tells Riki and walks away, leaving Jodi on the couch.

Riki dropped to the floor on his knees. "I'll try to get you out from here. Your sister must be worried about you." he whispered. A few seconds later Lucas came back. "Lucian is coming."


The drive back to the palace was deadly quiet. They tried looking for Jodi around the town but couldn't find her. Hours after that Joel decided that they should just go back to the palace and try again tomorrow.

When they got back Cassandra and Samia accompany Kat for the night. "First my boyfriend and now they are also taking my sister away." she sobs. Cassandra holds her hand and assured her that they'll find Jodi soon. She'll make sure of it.

A few days passed and they still can't find Jodi. Jared learned about her disappearance too, and he almost loses his mind. It has been the worst few days in their life.

That night before they go to sleep, Cassandra tells Joel she knows where Jodi must've been at. As soon as she's done talking Joel immediately sits up and grabbed her shoulder. "Even if you're right, I don't want you to go there alone. We'll talk about it with the others tomorrow." Joel tells her sternly.

Cassandra didn't respond, she just look down as she was considering whether or not she listens to him. Joel then shakes her body to gain her attention. "Promise me you won't go there alone." he says, sounds worried of Cassandra's judgment. "I promise." she smiles faintly and tells him to go to sleep.

Cassandra couldn't close her eyes. She can't go to Lucas's house with the whole angel squad. Who knows if it was a trap. Also, she has a hunch that it was her that he wants. Taking Jodi was just a trick to lure her. Joel groans, turning his body to face her. He opens his eyes a little, says good morning to her before he closed them back and continue sleeping.

I'm sorry Joel, I'm not listening to you. She says in her heart, as she let out a spell to keep Joel sleeping peacefully for a little longer. As she was done getting ready to go out, she kissed his lips softly. "I love you." she whispered. Before she leaves, she took a look back at him for the last time and closed the door behind her, praying that she'll come back to see him again.

When she get in front of Lucas's house she shift back into her human form

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When she get in front of Lucas's house she shift back into her human form. The door was opened right before she could knock on it, showing Lucas who's smiling widely. "Hey there Cassie." he lets her in.

Riki wasn't in there, neither does Jodi. "Where is she?" she asks, glaring at Lucas. "Somewhere safe. Really? You don't even want to ask how have I been doing? It has been a long time since we talked." Lucas says unamused.

"You're doing well, I can see. I'm not here to see you. I want to see her. Where is she?" she asks. "I can take you to her. How does that sounds?" he offers. Cassandra has a bad feeling about it, but she accepts the offer and leave the house with him. Glancing at Cassandra who's following behind him, Lucas smiles in satisfaction. Got you.


Joel wakes up an hour later to an empty bed. At first he thought Cassandra was in the bathroom, but when he checked it was empty. Feeling uneasy, he ran outside and checked every hall. "Don't do this to me, Cass." he says to himself. His eyes get glossy as he can't find any sign of her in every room and hall he checked.

Richard just got out from his room to look for his sister again when he stumbled on Joel, who was unable to breath properly. "Dude, what's wrong?" he asks, trying to calm Joel down. "Cass. She's not here. She's out there finding her Devil cousin. It can't be good." Joel answers, trying to catch a breath.

It's one problem after another and Richard is not taking it well either. He knocks on each room and summon them all in the meeting room. While waiting for everyone to be there, Chris point his finger to the window as he sees someone with white wings flying weakly. "Isn't that?" he didn't get to finish his words when they all ran outside. As soon as they were outside, the body dropped to the ground.

"Jodi!" Chris ran towards her and rest her head on his lap

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"Jodi!" Chris ran towards her and rest her head on his lap. Everyone gathers around them, while Chris calls for her name to wake her up. Joel kneels down, moving his finger across her face and checked her eyes and her fingernails. "She has been drugged by the devils." he concludes.

He then orders Chris to picked her up and carry her inside. They took her into her room, Chris lay her down on her bed and sits on a stool beside the bed, holding her hand with both of his. "We have Jodi back, but now Cassandra is gone." Zabdiel sighs, leaning his back on the wall.

Samia wanders her eyes across the room, and gasps. "Erick wasn't here too." she tells her brother.

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