38 - Just Boys

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Joel peeks his head out from his room. From the other side of the hallway, Erick does the same. "Is she sleeping?" Joel asks Erick, whisper yelling. Erick nods and shows his thumb up.

Riki steps out from Kat's room calmly and shuts the door behind him. He stopped and raised his brow, looking at Erick and Joel. "What are you two doing?" he asks.

The two gets out from their rooms as well. "Just making sure witch kid's candle really works." Erick answers.

"Of course it does. Let's go." Riki tells them. They gets downstairs where Richard, Zabdiel and Chris are waiting for them.

"The girls are sleeping?" Richard asks. "Safe and sound." Joel replies.

The boys haven't hang out with each other for a long time due to works and training. With the new cousin Riki in the house they think it's the best time escape from reality for one night. Not risking the girls begging to come along with them, they ask Finn to make his special candles that can make people who is sleeping to not wake up until the candle runs out.

Chris was the one that makes plan on where to go. They settled at a bar, where they first hit the pool table and starts playing. Chris as always, finds a girl and starts flirting.

"He always knows where the girls at." Erick shook his head. "While the girls always know where you at." Richard replies, nodding his head at a table where a group of girls are looking at their direction while giggling with each other.

"Don't forget that it's not just me now. They're looking at someone else as well." Erick grins at Riki.

When they're done playing, they find a table to sit back. Erick has to pay for everyone's drinks as he lose at the pool table just now.

Joel waves his hand at Chris's direction and calls for him. "Enough flirting, dirty prince." he yells at him. Chris excuse himself from the girl he's talking to and take a seat with his cousins.

"It's nice to finally be with the guys with no girls around." he says. They have spent years living in the palace with just the five of them. Their family just come to visit once in a while. With the girls suddenly come living with them it kinda change their lives a little.

They always whine about the boys making mess in the living hall, even though they have servants working all day to clean it for them. Not to mention sometimes they gang up with each other to pull a prank on the boys.

"I love my sister but having her here living with us is a pain in my ass." Richard says. "Well, having Cass with me everyday when I wake up is nice, but I need boys time like this too." Joel chimes in.

"By the way, where did Yashua go?" Joel asks Richard, who the shrugs. "He said he's moving in with his friends, I don't know who they are." he answers.

"He's weird." Richard adds. He then rant about how Yashua was different from all of them. He spent most of his time outside the palace, living his life like commoners. Never laid his eyes on Samia or their other female relatives, but dated girls outside of their bloodlines.

"Well, actually he sounds more normal that all of us." Erick conveys his thought. "Just admit it, marrying our cousins are only normal to us because we are royals. For the commoners it rarely happens. What do they call it? In chest?"

"Incest, idiot." Joel corrects him. "Erick is right. Actually we are the weird ones. Not to mention that this dude propose to someone at the age of 17." he adds, pointing his finger on Erick.

Now that they've talked about it, it occurs to Richard that maybe Yashua is just looking for a normal life, not the life his blood has set him to live in. "Wow, now I feel bad for growing up thinking my brother is a creep." he says as the pieces hit him at once.

"Speaking of marriage, why did you two suddenly propose to your girls?" Chris asks. He has been so curious about why anyone would want to get married so early.

Erick has the obvious reason why. His engagement was arranged. Even without the ring he is getting married anyway. That leaves Joel to give his reasons.

"I don't know. I just don't think I'll ever find someone like her. And I'll only have her in my heart. So why waste time? Just marry that girl." he answers.

They continue talking about works and filling Riki in with what he has been missing out. Until a girl comes to their table, and invite them join her and her friends to play pool.

Chris immediately volunteer himself, followed by Richard but the girl keeps asking for Riki and Erick. Erick refused, as Zabdiel gave him his death glare. Same goes for Riki, as Richard was looking at him with warning all over his face.

After Riki and Erick refused for the third times, the girl just go with Chris and Richard. Using his flirting talent Chris got one of the girls's attention and they can't get their hands off from each other.

"Glad I didn't join them." Joel says, looking at Chris and the girl. Riki and Erick let out their relief sigh too. When the night ends they all went back to the palace without Chris.

Richard and Zabdiel was drunk, so Riki has to drive as they didn't come with their driver. When they get into their wing in the palace, they were shocked by Jared waiting for them on the staircase.

They were lectured for almost one hour, before Jared told them to call Chris and tell him to come back as soon as possible. Then they were dismissed to their room, with double training session on the next day as a punishment.

Author's note: The few chapters after this might have more fillers, before we get to the wedding part. If you have any request on special parts for any characters, just leave your comment or hit me up in the dm.

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