21 - Siblings Vibe

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Joel pays his whole attention to Cassandra when she tells him about her reunion with her brother. "Hold up, hold up. Riki? Kat's boyfriend Riki? He is your brother?" he asks, can't believe what he just heard.

Nodding her head repeatedly. She tells him Riki refuses to trust her about their mother, but she's willing to try convincing him again. "I know he's your brother but there's not point trying to save someone that doesn't want to be saved. He chose to trust Lucian more than you, then let him be." Joel conveys his thought.

"Please, let me try. I want to let my mom see him." she begs. After thinking for a while, Joel decides that he should just agree so that she won't be upset. "But I'll go with you."

What do you need me for, Cass? Does he knows about us?" Riki asks, looking at Joel who's watching over them from a distance to give the siblings their private time

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What do you need me for, Cass? Does he knows about us?" Riki asks, looking at Joel who's watching over them from a distance to give the siblings their private time.

"He does. I've told him to keep it between us so you don't have to kill him." Cass replies. "I don't care if you still don't want to believe me now, but please follow me to meet mom for the last time. Then you'll decide if you want to believe me or not."

Deep inside Riki has started to believe that his mother was innocent. But it's hard to immediately change your mind about the thing you've believed in for more than 20 years. "Fine. But I thought she's in the Velez's place?" he asks, saying that if he wants to come along, Chris must know about his true self.

Before Cass can open her mouth to let out her suggestion, Riki shook his head. "No way, you're not going to tell me to pretend to be your pet like Lucas did."

"You don't have to be a pug. We'll go with different car from Chris, once we get there you can shift form into smaller animal, moth, for example. That's my favorite." she says in excitement, sensing that Riki is willing to go with them.

Rolling his eyes, Riki don't understand himself. Why would he agree to this. "Fine. When are we leaving?" he asks. When Cassandra gives him the details, he tells her not to worry about Lucas. He'll think of the lies he's going to tell him later.

"You haven't said anything to Kat, have you?" he asks. Cassandra answers no. "I respect your role as her boyfriend to tell her everything by yourself." she pats his shoulder before she walks back to Joel, jumping happily when she tells him that Riki agrees to meet their mother.

In the car, Joel asks Cassandra about her plan on taking Riki to meet her mother without anyone else in the palace to notice him. "I hate to tell you this but your plan is sloppy, babe. What if the servants sees him?" he says.

"Just lock the door once we get in my mom's room, telling them we need so alone time. I thought you were the smart one in here." Cass teased him.

"I am, that's why I demand for smooth, detailed plan." Joel replied. "That's done, but what if the hotel he's staying is far from the palace? Can he fly for long distance? He's not a real bird."

"Who says he's going to stay in a hotel?" Cassandra arched her brow. Joel thinks to himself for a while, before he realized what she meant. "No way. Don't tell me it's what I'm thinking." he shook his head.

Nodding her head, Cassandra grins. "It is. He's staying in our room. Just for two weeks, Joel. We can hold ourselves for two weeks." she convinced him.

Joel still can't take it, but there's nothing he can do. She already made her mind and is too eager with her plan. "Knowing that he's your brother is already awkward enough. Now we have to stay in the same room with him for two weeks." Joel scratches his brows. "But whatever makes you happy." he gives in.


It has been two weeks since they got to the region that is ruled by the Vélez's family. Feeling the same thing as Joel, Riki refused to stay in the same room with them. He said he'd rather fly until his wings break than do that. Luckily, he found a hotel nearby. He stayed there, had to shift shape each time Cassandra tells him it's safe to meet his mother.

After a few encounters with Matilda Riki starts to regret himself for growing up hating her. By the time he convinced himself to take the truth, it's already too late. She's leaving him.

The last day of having the cursed ones with them has come. Convincing themselves that there must be a way to get those trapped souls back from hell one day, the royal kids decided that they'll just leave their parents's bodies where they are. The servants will take care of them as if they're just in comatose state.

On their way back to the capital, Riki was being really quiet, throwing his gaze out the window. Cassandra reached for his hand, smiling when she looks at him. "At least you get to meet her for the last time." she says, as if she can read his mind.

"I know. Thank you, sister." he strokes her head, making her surprised. He's treating her like a real siblings now. "By the way, how does he acts the first time he knows about you?" Riki asks, nodding his head at Joel who's sleeping beside Cassandra.

She tells him to lower his head so that she can whisper something to him. "He was really angry, we didn't talk for almost a week." she says, telling him how Joel snapped at her when he first know about it.

Before anything, Riki reach out his hand to smack Joel's forehead, waking him up in surprise. "The fuck was that for?" He yells, eyes widened at Riki.

"For snapping at my sister when she comes out about her true self." Riki holds his head up, pulling Cassandra in his arms. "I already apologized. Tell her, Cass." Joel says, demanding Cassandra to back him up.

"He did apologize, that's why we're back together now." she tells Riki. "See that, Pimentel? I've got a big brother now. You can't mess with me and get away easily anymore." Cassandra says proudly to tease him.

Squinting his eyes on Cassandra at first, Joel then smirks before he leans over and kiss Cassandra who's still wrapped in Riki's hug. "I can still do that, so I don't mind. Welcome to the family, big bro." he raised his right eyebrow to Riki before he goes back to sleep.

Riki was stunned by what he just saw. "Now I know how Richard feels when I kissed Kat in front of him." Riki says, still haunted that scene.

Author's note: Who's happy for Riki and Cass's siblings bond? 😄

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