29 - The Faithless Club

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"If only we can stay here forever." Erick sighs before they all get on the boat to leave the island. It means the days after this are going get them busy as before.

In the evening the girls gather together to watch some movies with Finn but Kat didn't join them. "I've offered her my happy potion but she refused." Finn tells them. "I'll go check on her." Cass stood up, followed by Jodi and Samia.

Later they found her sitting alone on the rooftop. They sat around her silently, not wanting to crash her mood. "Hey girls." she says slowly. "He promised you he'll come back." Cass tells her gently.

"Of course he did." she forced a smile. "Have you heard from him?" she asks Cass, who then shook her head no. "I don't want to reach for him first. I'm afraid they were around him when I did that and he'll get caught."

Jodi leans her body on her sister's. "I've never seen you like this. We need to go out. We can't let your sadness swallowed you up any longer." she suggests. "Okay then. We better do that before the guys come back." Kat replies, making the others cheer.

They sneaked out from the palace and promised Finn they'll come back with his favorite pizza. "Everyone turned off your phone so that our brother can't reach any of us and ruin our night." Jodi reminds everyone. First they just spent a few hours in the car with their favourite jam, driving with no destination accompanied by off tuned singing.

Then they started to feel hungry so they hit a diner. They shared some random thoughts, which then leads to the talks about their partners. "At first I wasn't sure about Erick. He used to be with Chris, we all know how that gato is. But now I can see Chris is trying to change for the better." Samia elbowed Jodi. "Speaking of him, you don't have to spill anything for me to know that Chris must've hit on you the first time you met." Jodi says to Cass, laughing a little. "He was just playing. Do you know how jealous he got when you spent the night at Lucas's house?" Cass replies.

It was a mistake mentioning Lucas's name. It reminds Kat of Riki. "He loves dipping his fries into his milkshake. That stupid boy." Kat sighs, staring at her milkshake with a fries in her hand. "Oh god, this is harder than I thought it would be." Jodi whines.

"I'm pretty sure he's thinking of you too, Kat." Cassandra convinced her. As they were done eating the got back into the car. They were discussing on their next destination when they came across a strip club sign. "Wanna check that out?" Cassandra asks grinning. Without waiting for the answer Jodi pulls over and parked the car.

When they got into the club Cassandra felt a weird kind of chill down her spine as she looks at the people inside. "For fuck's sake he's hot." Kat's jaws dropped at a male stripper.

"I don't feel good about this place. Or maybe I'm just too decent?" Samia whispered to Cassandra. Studying the whole surrounding, Cassandra tells Samia it wasn't just her. There is something odd about this club.

That's when she noticed a familiar face in the crowd, Lucas. He was looking for her. When their eyes met he grins before he disappeared again. Cassandra was looking for him, when Samia grabbed her hand and hold her arm tight.

"What's wrong?" Cassandra asks. Samia couldn't say a word, she just point at a direction. Cassandra follows her finger to find a girl doing a lap dance on a man, but it's not ordinary lap dance. The man slices her skin while she was doing that, and lick her blood from her skin. Now Cassandra knows what they've got themselves into.

Kat saw it too. It makes her face gone pale. "We have to go. This place is full of devils and their worshippers." Cassandra tells the others. But there's another big problem. "Oh god." Cassandra says when she noticed what's wrong.


In the palace, the guys came back to find the girls were long gone, leaving Finn watching TV alone. They all ran to the girls' room to check on them. "They're not here." Richard says out loud.

They asked Finn if the girls told him where they were going but Finn shook his head no. "It's getting late, and they're out there without any of us. I thought I just told her not to leave this palace without me." Joel mumbles to himself, as he took his phone out.

Cassandra's phone was off. Richard and Chris confirmed that the twins's phone was turned off as well. "So does Samia's" Erick tells them before Zabdiel can open his mouth.

Joel can't stop worrying about Cass. A few minutes later Richard's phone blew up. "It's Kat." he tells them before answering the phone. "What? Where are you? Get in the car and locked the doors. Yes I know but you have to stay safe first." he says, breathing heavily when he ended the call.

Looking at his cousins, Richard's eyes get glossy. "Jodi. They can't find her." he says, motioning the others to follow him without further explanation. "Tell us what happened. Is my sister okay?" Zabdiel asks when they got into the car.

"I don't know the details, Kat was too scared she can't speak properly. But the club they went, it was filled with Devil worshippers. That I can confirm." Richard says as he was speeding on the road.

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