57 - In-Laws Talks

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The girls are busying themselves sorting out the wedding once the wedding planner came to the palace. Joel offers to join them but they insisted that they don't need his assistance until further notice. So he brought himself to the games room, where the boys are playing pool. 

Riki is leaning against the wall with one of his hand in the pocket of his jeans. He was zoning out, he doesn't even noticed that Joel is joining him. Gathering the courage he has in him, Joel cleared his throat to get Riki's attention. 

"Cass said she already talked to you, but I still feel like I need to apologize. It's obvious you had nothing to do with my mother's death." Joel says, looking down to the ground.

Riki sighs. "It's my fault too. I should've told you about her. But I swear I didn't know she's that evil. I thought she was just one of his followers. That he banged for pleasure." He replies.

They both went silent for a while. Until Riki pats Joel's back and smiles to him. "Just promise me that you won't snap on my sister if anything happens in future." 

"I won't." Joel replies. He then trails his eyes on Riki's body. He's bulkier than Joel is. "And I'm pretty sure I was just lucky you didn't punch me back with those arms of yours that day." He says with a little laugh in the end. 

"You bet." Riki replies. "Make her happy. I know you're doing it well now but I still want to remind you about it. Counting on you, bro." He pats Joel's shoulder.

"So, we're good now, aren't we?" Joel let out his hand for a fist bump.

Riki grins, bumping his fist with Joel's. "We are. But there's something we need to talk about." He glanced at the other boys before looking back at Joel. "In private." He says. He sounds more serious this time.  


As Cassandra and the other girls are on their way back to their wing in the palace, Jared sent a butler that stops them. "The King wants to meet you." He tells Cassandra. 

It makes her nervous, as she never had a one on one talking session with Jared. She doesn't even remember having a casual talk with him. Seeing her face, Kat puts holds her hand. "It'll be fine. He just wants to talk to you." She smiles, making Cassandra feels a little bit better. 

Jared was waiting for her in a hall. As she enters the door his back was facing her. He then turns around, and tells her to sit. "Don't be nervous, I just want to break the ice with my future daughter in law." He says, his voice isn't as stern as the last time she heard him. 

"To the commoners it's too early for you guys to get married at this age. But us, the royals are nothing like them. You know one day I'm going to pass my throne to one of the candidates. And it better be the one with a family to be the next king. The question is, are you ready to be a queen?" 

Cassandra forces herself to speak, but she's afraid that the words might come out wrong. "I- i thought that there will be an election? Does being married made him elected right away?" She asks. 

"Not right away, but he's going to get extra point for that. Especially if you have kids." Jared tells her. "Back to the question, if that happens, will you be ready?"

Cassandra swallows the lump in her throat and looks up to him. "I'm ready to go through anything, if it means being with him." She answers with all the confidence she has in her. 

Jared let out a small smile when he heard that. "Good. Just for the record I don't mind who your father is. You're still in this family's bloodlines. Also, the devils were once an angel too. I'm not like Erick's grandfather. You can say I'm more, contemporary."

Cassandra just nods as she's listening to him. She keeps telling herself to only speak when she's asked to. "Tell that to your brother. I can see the way he looks at me. He's afraid that I'm judging the blood running through his veins. Now about my son, how much did he tells you about his family? Me and his mom, to be exact?" 

"Everything." Cassandra answers, earning a curious look from Jared.

"His emotional issues, it was because of me, isn't it? Just be honest. I'm not going to be mad." He tells her. 

"It's not my right to assume anything about that." She gives a safe answer. 

"You're scared to admit it. But I know. Can you promise me one thing, Cassandra?" He asks. Cassandra nods, looking at him nervously as he waits for him to continue. "Help me mend up with my son. Only you can help me do that."

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