51 - Unfold

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What Jodi said draws silence to the whole space. "Failed in what term? Is he dead?" Cassandra asks. Before Jodi opens her mouth to add to the story Joel tells her to stop. "Not to be rude, but isn't it more comfortable if we get inside before we listen to everything you're about to say?" He politely suggests. 

"As long as he calms down and not try to break anything. Or anyone's neck." Jodi says, nodding at Zabdiel. "We'll hold him tight." Riki assures her. 

Jodi nods, and let the others inside. "Okay, go on." Joel says as he pulls Zabdiel to sit in between him and Riki. "Before that," Jodi moves her eyes on Richard, who then nods as if he can read what's in her mind. "I'll call Samia to get Finn to undo the spell." He says as he walks outside.

"Now we wait." Jodi looks at Chris who's squeezing her hand gently and gives her a faint smile. A while later Richard came back. "Okay guys. It's happening. Witch kid is undoing the spell." He announced. 

Just like before, the time stopped. Nothing was moving. Every pieces of Jodi gets back into their mind. In the palace her pictures reappeared in the family portraits. Her things are back in her room. When the clock starts ticking back, Kat was looking at her with silent tears rolling down her cheeks. "You're back." She says as she runs to hug her twin. 

"It's the two of us again." Jodi says smiling while hugging Kat. It took a while before they break free from the hug. "But how?" Kat asks. 

"It's Mara." Jodi answers, making Riki gasps but no one notices as all of them was too focused on Jodi. "She's with Lucian. His partner in crime, maybe. At first she was nice. Being back to life makes me unstable, my mind was in the wind. She made it looks like she was helping me. She showed me how your life has been since I'm gone. And seeing all of you moved on makes me willingly joined them. My new family, I thought. Until that day when Lucas brought me to the road where Erick was screaming at Chris, it occurred to me that they were just using me."

Jodi took a deep breath before she continues. "First of all, I want you to know that he did it for me. It's all because of me." She turns her head to look at Chris.

Chris holds her hand even tighter in his. "It's okay, I'll tell them." He says with an assuring smile. He told them about Mara, how she gave him his memories of Jodi's back and her threat to kill Jodi if he refuses to do the things he has done to Erick and Cass. He throws his gaze to the floor before looking back at Joel and Zabdiel. "I'm sorry guys. I'm so sorry, Cass." He says as he moves his glossy eyes on Cass. 

He then moved on to the day Erick was taken away. Mara told him to take Erick to the place she was living with Lucas and Lucian, but he pulled over half way there as he gets a better idea, which is to come clean to Erick and turn back to the palace. He just couldn't bear to betray his own cousins anymore. 

"But then she appeared with Lucas and Jodi. They took him away and attacked me when I tried to stop them." Jodi immediately hugs Chris as she knows he's breaking apart just to remember that day. 

"Then why didn't you come back and tell us everything?" Zabdiel asks. 

"What do you expect me to say? Hi guys, I'm sorry I messed up. Erick was just taken by the devils because I'm a fucking idiot." Chris replies.

Zabdiel clenched his jaw while still glaring at him. "I don't care. You're going to explain it to Samia. Tell me what you feel when you look at her face while telling her that you cause her fiance to be taken down to hell."

Chris silently nods, before he throws his gaze away. He knew this day would come, but he was never ready for it. He remembered how he felt they day Jodi died. It was unbearable just to think about. And now Samia has to face the fact that Erick was alone down there. God knows what they are doing to him. 

Riki has been quiet since he heard Mara's name. That was until Cassandra notices the change on his face. "Riki, are you okay?" She asks. Riki shook his head. He then moves his eyes to look at Chris. "This Mara. Have you seen her before she reunite you with Jodi?" He asks.

"Now that you mentioned about it. I think she's the one I saw that night before I heal you. I saw her walking through the hallway on the way to your room." He answers.

It starts to make sense to Riki. The person that saved him, trade his life with Jodi, it's her. She couldn't let him die. "I know her. She's my mom." He says, drawing a raised eyebrows from Cass. "Not my real mother, I know. But she's the one that raised me. Like her own son." 

"And if we want to know what happened to Erick. Or how to get him back. It's me you have to count on. I'm her soft spot." he adds.

Author's note: It's good to be back. Don't forget to vote and tell me what do you think about the update 🌸

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