45 - Always One Step Left Behind

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Erick notices Chris walking out from the store with a girl. He elbowed Riki and nods at Chris's direction. "With that guy, it's always hoes before bros." Erick complains before he walks to the cashier to check out his stuff.

Riki wanders his eyes outside the store, until he found someone that looks familiar to him. "Ma?" he mouths, squinting his eyes to get better sight of Mara.

"Bro, are you taking this jacket?" Erick asks him. He looks over his shoulder to answer him, and when he turns back Mara is no longer there.

The sky was turning grey, a sign that it's going to start raining soon. The both of them decided to go back to the palace without Chris, assuming he's getting some fun with the girl he left with. By the time they got back to the palace it was already raining heavily.

"Where's Joel and Cass?" Erick asks his cousins in the living hall.

Riki drops himself on the couch Kat was lying on and moves her legs onto his lap. "In the library. I guess it's some kind of nerd date. What do you expect from dating the brainy Joel?" Kat answers.

"Or maybe they're having library sex. Because we all know Cass's have those times she can't control herself." Richard adds.

"Can we stop talking about my sister's sex life? It's really disturbing." Riki shook his head.

Erick on the other hand was staring into a space as his brain begins to imagine things. That's when Zabdiel reach out his feet and kicks his leg to wake him up. "Stop having dirty thoughts. My sister is right there beside you."

Erick moves his eyes on Samia. Another thought hits his mind. "Maybe we should go back to my room." he suggested, and she agrees.


"Found what you're looking for?" Cass asks as she took two cups of coffee that the servant brought for them.

Joel was searching up for something in his laptop, with an open book beside it on the table. "Still searching." he answers. "But I'm pretty sure about what I think about." he adds.

He sips on the coffee that Cass put on the table and pulls her onto his lap. "You know there's a lot of chairs in here don't you?" she asks, wrapping her arms around his neck.

"I know, but my lap is the comfiest cushion to sit on

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"I know, but my lap is the comfiest cushion to sit on." he replies, biting his lips before he kisses her.

"Okay, now I feel like I'm distracting you." Cassandra says when they break the kiss.

"It's okay. I'll be more distracted when you're not around, thinking where have you been, how I miss this face of yours." Joel says, trailing his finger down her nose bridge.

He then continues his business with Cassandra still on his lap. "What are you looking for, actually?" Cass asks, trying to understand his notes on the screen.

"It's the weather these days. It's uncertain, do you notice that?" he asks her.

Cassandra nods. Just last week it was extremely hot, it was like the sun was rising a few inches from their head. Even the news constantly reminded the people to stay dehydrated and limit their outdoor activities.

Now this week its starts to rain heavily, as if the clouds are some soaked sponge and someone squeeze them down. Or as if the skies has change into waterfalls, pouring water down to the ground non stop.

"It could be a sign of something bad. Like the heaven is being infuriated." Joel flips the pages of the book on the table. He then stops at one page. "Okay here it is." he says.

Cassandra moves her eyes on the page and read what was written on it. It says that some sign of Heaven's wrath are shown by extreme changes of weather, or natural disasters. Heaven's wrath might be resulted by the angels or devils messing with the rules of nature. Messing with the death, for example.

"It must be the devils. None of us would do anything like that. We know well enough not to mess with heaven's deals." Cassandra says to Joel.

Joel nods silently. He got his answer but something else is bothering him. "Even if it's not our fault doesn't mean we're not in trouble. The devils must have done something that would affect us." he says.

"What should we do now? Riki is not with them anymore, we don't have inside source to know what they are up to." Cass asks.

Joel shook his head. "I don't know. I'm more curious about what they've done because our lives are doing well right now. Nothing has changed, so what were they up to?"

Cassandra runs her hand in Joel's curls, telling him to not letting it burdening his head. "We have a wedding coming up, let's focus on our big day."

"I can't. I can just let it go before this, but not now. The wedding adds more worry in me. You know bad things always happen in the best days." Joel says, looking straight into her eyes.

"We both knows your father wants his children back. Whatever they're planning, must have something to do with us. I can't risk anything that can cause you to be taken away from me." Joel says under his breath.

Cassandra let her hands out to cup his face. "If anything happens, you'll fight for me. I never want to go back down there anyway." Cassandra replies, caressing his face softly.


In a motel room somewhere around the town, Mara told Chris to sit on the bed. She then snaps her fingers in front of his face to wake him up.

"Who are you?" Chris asks, looking at Jodi and Mara

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"Who are you?" Chris asks, looking at Jodi and Mara.

Mara holds his shoulders and tells him to calm down. "Do you know this girl?" she asks, nodding at Jodi.

Chris shook his head. "We talked in the store just now and the next thing I know is that I'm here with the both of you." he answers, holding himself from freaking out.

"Don't you worry, you're about to know it soon." Mara touches his face, casting out some spell that makes Chris's eyes rolls back.

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