13 - The Bloody Oath

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Luke can't believe that Lucian let the angels took Matilda away that easily. Lucian didn't fight, he wasn't even there to attack them. "You can easily kill them off, leaving only Jared behind. That'll make the battle an easy fight." he tells Lucian.

"Look at me, kid. I am the King of the Devils. I have plans for everything. They didn't come back with just Matilda. They're bringing my "gift" along with them. So, has she left you already?" he asks, referring to his daughter Cassandra.

Luke nods in silence. "Let me look at your eyes." Lucian asks him to lift up his head to look at him. Luke obeys, and Lucian studies his face sympathetically, before he quickly moves his gaze back to the ground and takes a few steps away from him.

"I can see sorrow, frustration, disappointment

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"I can see sorrow, frustration, disappointment. She breaks your heart, am I right?" Lucian asks in caring tone. Again, Luke nods without saying a word.

"You loved her. More than just a family member. I can't blame you for that. You've lived your whole life with her. And now they took her away from you just like that. We're not going to let them go that easy, are we?" Lucian tries to dominate his mind. And he succeeds, Luke nods and promise him he'll do anything to help Lucian takes down the angel's family.

Lucian smiles, as he claps his hands and calls for a male's name. "You called for me, father?" the same person that goes out with Kat comes into the room.

 "You called for me, father?" the same person that goes out with Kat comes into the room

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"Come in here, Riki. Tomorrow when you go up again, bring Luke with you." Lucian says, grabbing Riki by his shoulder and introduce him to Luke proudly. "The son everyone thought I've killed, Riki. Turns out he's more useful than his sister." he says.

22 years ago when Riki was born Lucian planned to kill him as soon as he knows he got a boy. He took him away from Matilda's arms, and went to the pit of hell to throw him in the flame. But before he did that he got an idea to let him live, shall he be useful one day. Lucian was right, he can rely on his son Riki. All it takes was just a simple lie to the kid about his real mother when he grows up.

Riki and Luke shake hands, agreed to work as partners to carry out Lucian's commands. "You can dismiss for now. Come back at midnight. We'll hold the oath's ceremony." Lucian tells the two.


Cassandra seek comfort in her mother's embrace. Instead of talking about Joel, she chose to distract herself by asking about what happened to Matilda the whole time they lived in the Underworld.

"He did keep my soul in this dark, endless, empty space after you were born. That's when I know he doesn't really love me as he said he did, he just wanted a daughter." Matilda wipes the tears from her cheeks.

"But once in a while he let me live inside my body to touch you." she caress Cassandra's face. "It must be confusing to you. You don't even know at which time it was me or the other woman in this body. I couldn't tell you anything about it or leave a hint for you to figure out. He said he'll kill you if I did." she explains.

In the meantime Erick went to find Joel sitting on his own in the palace's garden. "It's night, bro. What are you doing here in this garden? You're not a princess waiting for her prince to come." Erick tries to make him smile, but failed.

They sat side by side in silence for a moment. When he was ready to talk Erick gulp before he tells Joel there's something they need to talk about. "If it's about Cass I don't want to care anymore. You guys can get along with her, fight for her attention like before. I'm out." Joel replies. His face shows no emotion.

They both let out a big sigh. Erick doesn't know how to change Joel's mind, Joel wants nothing to do with anything related to Cassandra anymore. "How could you still trust her, she's a daughter of the devil. I know her mother is Chris's aunt. But still.." "I'm a half devil too. You trust me, but not her. Why?" Erick cuts Joel's words.

"You grew up with me. I know you by heart. I don't know how to make you understand. I've known her for more than a month. We even admitted that we loved each other. But she can't even come clean to me until today." Joel lets out his feels.

"Maybe you just need some time on your own. You know she loves you. Give her another chance." Erick stood up. "But if you can't treat her right, I can't assure you that none of us will make a move. Chris might have Jodi to stop him from doing so. But I'm not officially engaged to Samia yet. Richard and Zabdiel are still single. We can treat her better if you can bear yourself seeing her happy with someone else. Just saying." he adds before he left Joel.


Lucian gathers all his armies along with Riki and Luke. He stood in the middle of the crowd, while they formed a circle around him. In his hand he holds a golden cup, and raise it up for everyone to see.

"Tonight, all of you have pledged to be my loyal followers, fight with me, stand for me at all costs. There's no turning back. My fight is your fight. The day we stop fighting is the day we won the power on the upper world." he speaks to them.

The crowd cheers on him, while he took out a knife and sliced the skin of his palm, letting his blackened red blood flows into the cup. As the cup was half full with his blood, he passed it to Riki, who then took a sip on it before passing it to Luke. The cup was passed to one person after another.

"With this, my blood flows in your body, making all of my fate and yours intertwined with each other. Therefore you have to stay with me no matter what. If I die, all of you will die. If you turned your back away from me without my consent you'll die." he grins.

His armies were not intimidated by what he said. Instead, it excites them even more. "All hail, Lucian Pierce, King of the Devils, soon to be the King of both Worlds!" the crowd chant.

So, what do you think about this update? Let me know 😊💕

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