23 - Becoming A Guardian

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Joel's alarm has went off for a few times and everytime it does, Cassandra was the one that wakes up and turn it off. "Joel, love, wake up." she whispered at him.


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Give me another five minutes." Joel groans, pulling the cover over his head to get back to sleep. "That's the third time you say that, Joel. Wake up. Now!" she shakes his body violently.

Again, Joel groans before he sits up, rubbing his eyes. He crossed his arms over his chest and pout at Cassandra beside him. "I just need more rest." he frowns.

Since Jared told them to take over their father's duty, the guys have been asking Joel to help them do their job. They have learned theories on how to to it before, but unlike the others Joel remember most details. He even study a lot compared to them so they definitely need his help.

"The guys need your help." Cassandra cups his face, looking straight into his eyes. "You are the only brainy in here. Be proud that everyone needs you for it. Go help them." she assures him. "Now go get ready. Stop being a baby, big boy." she pushed him off the bed.

Before he walks away to the bathroom Joel gave Cassandra the look, then he pushed himself on top of her. "Okay, what are you trying to do right now?" Cassandra closed her eyes and took a pillow to cover her face.

"It's just..." he pulls her hands down. Cassandra opens her eyes to find Joel smirking at her with his right brow raised. "I hate showering alone. You get me?" he says in low tone.

Cassandra shook her head at the idea, but Joel won't move from his position. Feeling defeated, Cassandra finally surrendered. "Fine! Don't blame me if they're mad at you for being late." without further ado Joel picks her up, taking her into the shower with him.


Joel walks into the meeting room, almost one hour late. "Look who decides to show up. What's taking you so long?" Richard says as soon as he saw Joel coming in.

Joel scratch the back of his head. "I just needed more sleep-" "Liar!" Chris yelled from across the room. "You had sex in the shower, am I right?" he adds, grinning. Blushed, Joel grabbed a pen he found on the table at threw it at him. "I guess I was right." Chris says as he caught the pen in his hand.

"Alright, come here. I need your help in here." Erick calls for him. When Joel came to him he showed the screen on his laptop. "Seriously?" Joel widen his eyes on Erick. "The people in this area does a lot of bad things, it's Zabdiel's duty to send messages for them to change and you decided to send tons of blessing for their field?" he said in disapproval.

Joel then glance at Richard's screen but it looks like he's doing good with his task. Seeing how Joel seems satisfied with his work, Richard laughs and opens his arms. "It's just like playing strategy games." he says proudly.

"Get it done quick, guys. It's almost time for training." Joel reminds his cousins. They are still sloppy at doing their tasks, but it's not like they had a choice. After they're done they all went straight to the training field.

After the training the guys were all exhausted both physically and mentally. They have been working for a week since Jared hands them the duties. "If we had kids they won't even know their father's face. That's how busy we are right now." Chris complains.

"Oh shit!" Erick stops walking, running his hands in his hair. Joel turns around and look at him in confusion. "That kid, Maggie's son. What's his name, urgh, Finnick. I've promised to take him out when I get back from visiting my parents." he explains to Joel.

Zabdiel turns around with his brows furrowed. "Mind telling me who's this Maggie? You're not having an affair, are you?" he asks Erick.

Joel makes a step forward, standing in front of Erick, blocking him from Zabdiel. "It's not like that." he tells Zabdiel, explaining who Maggie is. Satisfied with the answer, Zabdiel just nods before he walks away. "Take Samia with you!" he reminds Erick.


Joel, Cassandra, Erick and Samia walk into the woods to find Maggie's house. They recall the path they've took before, only to find the remnants of the wooden house burned to the ground.

"What the hell is this?" Erick asks before he ran to find Finnick, leaving the others behind. Samia was clueless, but later she decides to chase after him. Cassandra holds Joel's hand tighter. "Why do I feel like this has something to do with us?" she whispers, can't believe what she's seeing.

"It must be. But we better find Finnick for explanation." Joel replies. They searched for Finnick in the woods for hours. They almost gave up, assuming that he died in the fire. But then Erick saw a boy figure sitting with his back on a tree.

He walks slowly approaching the boy. "Finnick?" he calls for his name. Finnick raised his head, his face was covered with ashes and dirt. "Erick!" he screams, running into Erick's arms.

Finnick cried in Erick's arms while he tried to shush him down. Once the boy had calmed down, they asked him what happened. "The Devil. He knew you were here. We've been hiding from him for years but after you came here he found us. My mom told me to run away but when I came back..." he weeps again before he can finish his sentence.

Erick hugs him, followed by Samia. They keep telling him that he's safe now while Cassandra is still shocked by the news. "He must know that we're going to need her help more in future." she speaks absentmindedly.

Erick turns to Joel, who is lost in his thoughts as well. When he heard Erick yelling for his name, he finally wakes up. "What?" he asks, shaking his head to keep his mind straight. "I was asking, what should we do with this kid? We can't let him alone in here." Erick repeats his words.

"Let's take him to the palace." Joel tells them. "Do you know magic like your mother do?" he asks Finnick. The boy nods. "Then we need to protect him. He's the only witch we have."

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