40 - Forever (Kat & Riki)

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"Where did you go just now?" Kat asks Riki when he comes back with Cassandra.

"I was taking him to see our mom's portrait on the wall." Cassandra answers for Riki. She then dismissed herself to find Joel on the training field.

Riki drops himself on the couch, with Kat beside him. He pulls her into his arm and let her head lays on his chest. "Where's Finnick?" he asks her.

"In the study room with his tutor. It's boring in here." Kat whines. Then she sits up straight when an idea hits her. "Want me to take you on tour around this big old building?" she asks him. Her eyes shine with excitement.

Riki was amused by how excited she was, so he just go with her suggestion. He open up his hand in front of her. "Lead the way, guide me." he tells her

They came across different doors to different rooms and halls. The place is too big for just them and Jared to live in. Kat first took Riki to their art gallery.

"This is where they keep the guys' artworks." she tells him. She then laughs her heart out at a frog painting that has been falling off from the wall to the floor.

It's Erick's painting when he was 10. Kat used to laugh at it when they were younger, and now that she's seeing it again she's still cracked up by it. "Even the wall doesn't approve the meerkat's trashy work of art" she picks it up, still holding herself from laughing.

Riki takes a look at it and bursts into laughter as well. "The frog looks like it was stepped on by someone and Erick tried to mould it back into its shape." he lend his thought on it.

Then Kat put the painting back on the floor, and takes Riki's hand to a wall with the palace's exterior landscape painted on it. "Actually, this is what I want to show you." she says, running her hand on the wall to find something.

She then felt a small hole that can fit her index finger in it. There's a button in the hole and when she pushed it, the wall starts to move.

Kat smiles when the secret passageway appear before her eyes. "Let's go." she pulls Riki's hand, who was hesitating to get in at first.

As they get inside the wall that lead them to the secret passage just now close itself. It was pitch black for a moment after the wall was shut behind them, but then dim lights starts to light up their way.

"We used to play hide and seek in here when we were little." Kat tells him. Then they got into a junction. Kat asks Riki to make his choice on which side should they choose.

"Since you're standing on my right side, let's go to the right." he made his choice. "Nice choice." Kat says as they made their way further.

Riki studies the walls along the way, until he notices something and tells Kat to stop. "What is this?" he asks with a small laugh, pointing at an ugly writing on the wall.

It says, Kat hates Richard. Katarina doesn't have an elder brother.

Kat covers her mouth with her hand when she reads that. "Oh my god it's still here." she says. "That was when Richard gets mad at me for ruining his portrait of our parents. I was 6 around that time, I guess. So I ran here and wrote this as a sign of protest." she tells him.

Riki smiles as he imagined how Kat looks like when she was a kid. "You must be adorable back then." he says to her.

Kat crossed her arms, still looking at her writings on the wall. "I am. Rich could be considerable and forgive his cute little sister's small mistake but he snapped at me instead." she fakes a pout.

They then continue walking, until they got to what looks like a dead end. "Oops we got the wrong way. This is a dead end." Kat says.

"So, we turn back to find the right one?" Riki asks her. Kat shook her head. "I'm sorry my love, it looks like we're gonna die in here." she says, looking down to the ground.

"Babe, it's not funny." Riki says in worry. Kat looks up to him, holding his face with her back facing to the dead end. "Really?" she says as she lifts up her feet and kiss him.

While they were kissing she kicks the closed end with the back of her feet. A screeching sound was produced as the wall starts to move. Kat breaks the kiss when another secret door was opened behind her, leading them into a hall.

When they walked out from the secret passageway, they were in the main ballroom of the palace. Kat ran to the middle of the big, empty ballroom and twirls around, as if she's in a dance. "Welcome to the palace ballroom." she tells Riki.

She then clapped her hand and ask for some music. Just a few seconds after that slow music starts playing. Riki walks towards her and take his hand out. "Can I have this dance?" he asks her.

"Boy knows his cue." Kat smiles playfully and took his hand. They dances following the music. Suddenly it feels like the floor, the walls, even the music are blessing what they are doing.

They were moving swiftly with each other, there wasn't even a small mistake done. Their dance was perfect. "Even our feet loves each other." Riki chuckles. Burying her head on his chest, Kat never wanted to let go of the man in front of her. "Stay with me forever." she whispered.

Riki kisses the top of her head

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Riki kisses the top of her head. He's feeling the same thing too. "Forever it is, Katarina." he promised to her.

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