18 - Noche Inolvidable

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In a beach side bar not far from where Cassandra tried to kill herself, Riki snatched the liqour bottle from her hand before she can take another shot. "Stop drinking, your boyfriend is coming." he tells her.

"First you stopped me from drowning myself, now you don't let me drink my pain away." she protests. "Thanks to this half blood in my veins, I still have the courtesy of a brother to not let my younger sibling ruin herself." he downs the drinks in his hand.

No matter how many times Cassandra told him the truth about their mother, Riki won't buy her words. Until she loses the will to convince him she decided to numb herself with the liqours. But Riki didn't let her.

Cassandra asks him if dating Kat was a part of Lucian's plan but Riki shook his head no. "It was at first. But after father let them took our mom away he gave me and Lucas new task. A bigger one." she knows he won't tell her what's the bigger task is, so she didn't ask.

"Then why are you still with her?" her question makes Riki took another shot down his throat. "We slept together, Cass. I don't have to explain more to you, do I? But I'll leave her soon for her own good. Just give me some time." he avoids her gaze.

They both sat in silence for a while, before Riki caught Joel's sight. "He's here." he tells Cassandra, who then follows his eyes. "For the last time, Riki. Please trust me." she reaches for his hand.

"Try living my life, Cass. It's not that easy." he looks away. Cassandra was about to say something but Joel is already too close to them. "Cass, let's go. Thanks for looking after her." he gives Riki a bro hug. Not caring about how Riki found her, Joel only wants to take Cass with him.

"No problem. Kat's family is my family too." Riki tells Joel before he pulls Cassandra for a hug. "If you let them know about me and Lucas, he will slit your cousins's throat." he whispered into her ears before he let go, leaving her speechless.

Joel pulls Cassandra's hand, thanking Riki for the second time before taking her into his car. The drive was the longest, most silent drive they ever had. There's too much going on in Cassandra's mind, while Joel was still disappointed with the fact that she tried to commit suicide. 

He pulls over by an empty road. Nobody was there, just the two of them. As soon as he stopped the car Joel inhale deeply, before turning to Cassandra. "What was you thinking? Seriously, Cassandra. Suicide? Luckily Riki saw you." he let it out in one breath.

Before she could answer Joel cuts her words. "I can't believe it. You know nothing about what the people at the palace think, and blindly made the decision to kill yourself. For one moment when you were doing that did you think about me?" he almost cried at the last part.

A tear escaped Joel's eyes as he shut them. "After I told my father about the curse I spent hours driving around, searching for you. I was worried sick while you were planning to leave me behind forever." he lowered his voice.

Listening to him makes Cassandra realizes that she made a mistake. Dissapointed with herself as well, she hugs him and buries her face in his neck. This wasn't the first time she failed him.

Joel breaks the hug, and hold her by the arms, looking straight into her eyes. "Turn to me every time you feel down, let out all your worries to me. I'm your boyfriend, make me feel like one. That's not too much to ask, is it?" his voice softenend.

Cassandra nods, apologized for being selfish and promise not to make him feel like he's neglected. After hugging each other Joel recollect himself. Holding her face gently with his hands, Joel asks her to promise another thing. "Promise me you won't do anything stupid without thinking about what's going to happen to me if I lose you."

Cassandra gives him her words. Satisfied with her answer, Joel leans in for a kiss. "Chris told me to not let my emotions gets in the middle of our relationship. That's suppose to be your role." he chuckles. "So let's get over it and find something to eat." he kissed her on her forehead before he starts driving.

"Let's just get some take out meals and find a private place to eat. After what happened I just need to be alone with you." Cassandra suggested. "Whatever you say, princesa." Joel kissed the back of her hand.

After getting something to bite for dinner Joel drives to a top of a hill. "This is where lovers used to come." he said, finding the best spot to park his car. After he found a private spot where there's no other car or people around, he decided they should settle there.

They sit on a big rock, enjoying their meal with the night view of city lights under them. "Do you think they blame me?" Cassandra asks, referring to their cousins.

"Still worried about that? Your mother is sick too, Cass. They can't blame you. Erick told me to chase after you when you left earlier to make sure you're okay. That means he doesn't think it's your fault. I'm pretty sure the others are wise enough to think so too." he assured her.

Joel keeps convincing her that he'll never let anyone think that she's guilty, because she's not. And that he'll always be there for her, that she doesn't have to worry about anything as long as they're together.

Cassandra leans her head on his shoulder. "Have I thanked you for existing in my life? I don't think I have. Thank you, Joel." she wrapped his body in a warm hug, and Joel kissed her head in return, holding her tight in his embrace.

They stayed in that position for a while, but was disturbed by Joel's ringtone. "I thought I've turned this thing off." he says annoyed, before taking the call. "Yes I've found her. Maybe tomorrow. It's our alone time, don't disturb us, meerkat." he says, ending the call and turned his phone off.

"Your little one Erick. He's asking us when will we get back. Not going to let him ruin our private night time." he tells Cassandra, who's laughing because she just heard Joel calling Erick a meerkat.

As the night gets colder they decided to get back into the car. As they stood up Joel grabs Cassandra by surprise and pick her up. "Phone is off, the night is getting more quiet, it might be a sign for us to heat it up. I think my back seat is comfortable." he grins, showing her he means business. She wrapped her hands at the back of his neck. "The backseat it is." she tells him.

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