39 - Siblings Special

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Riki was playing with Finnick in the living hall when Cassandra comes and call for him. "There's something I want to show you." she says, motioning for him to follow her.

Riki excuses himself from the game he's playing with Finn and follows behind Cassandra. She took him to a hallway in the central part of the palace.

"We are here." she says as she stopped walking and turns around.

Riki was confused, he doesn't know why she's taking him there. She then grabbed his shoulder and turn his body around.

"Look at that" she points to a portrait of a familiar looking woman. Their mother when she was younger. "That's mom." Cassandra says excited.

Riki reach out his hand to touch the portrait. "She's so pretty." he says, turning his face towards Cassandra.

His lips curls into a smile when he looks at her. "You look just like her in this painting." he tells her.

"Does that means I'm pretty too?" Cassandra asks him.

"Of course you are, sis." he put his hand on her head and mess with her hair.

They both stare at their mother's portrait on the wall for a moment before they decided to go back to their wing. While walking back, Riki asks a few questions about her sister when she was growing up without him.

"Lucian didn't allow me to go out of his palace. I only have Luke as my friend back then." Cassandra frowns.

"You've always call him by his name or you used to call him dad and stopped after a certain occasion?" Riki asks her.

"Actually, I called him dad when I was little. Until I heard his servants talk about you. They said he killed you. I've always known my father was a devil, but I never want a father that kill his own son." she answers.

"Aww, Cass." Riki wrapped his arm on her shoulder. "I'm sorry I grew up hating you. I envy you because he told me mom disowned me but kept you instead. While you actually loved me without even knowing me."

Cassandra lend him an assuring smile and told him it's okay. Lucian lied to him. He was just an innocent kid back then and Lucian took advantage on him.

Riki hugs her. "From now on your brother is going to protect you through everything. I'm going to make it up for those years you grew up without me. You have two men by your side now. Joel and me." he promised.

"Mom would be so happy if she can see us like this." Cassandra says. They both teared up a little as they think about their mother.


Zabdiel was sitting on Samia's bed, as she was tidying up her room. "Have you really think about it?" he asks, sounds worried.

Samia rolls her eyes and she throws a cushion on him. "I've told you this hundred times, I have. I really want to marry Erick." she answers sternly.

"Look, I wasn't trying to interfere with your life. I just don't want any of you to get hurt." Zabdiel justify himself.

Samia stands up right in front of him and bend her body down, staring right into his eyes. "Watch my lips. I love Erick. And I want to be his bride. Understand?"

Zabdiel put his hands on her shoulders. "And you must understand this as well. I know you feel really into him right now. But remember, it's the devil's charm." he says.

"Oh, Zabdi. I really don't want to do this. But you leave me with no option. You don't have to worry about it. We had it covered. Our feelings are real." Samia tells him.

Zabdiel went silent for a while as he was thinking about what she means by that. "Wait, did you?" his eyes widened as he starts to understand it.

Samia nods. "Yes, we did. In the island during Joel's parents anniversary. I don't want to tell you about it but you keep pushing me." she replies, her face turns red. "But at least now you know that the wedding will go well, and no feelings will change on the next day." she adds, trying not to smile.

Zabdiel was looking at her in disbelief. He then turns around and walk to the door. "He's gonna get it." he says before he runs to the hallway, screaming for Erick's name.

A moment later Samia can hear Erick screaming for help. "You fucked my sister without asking for my blessing? I'm going to kill you." Zabiel yell while beating him up.

"I'm sorry, Erick." Samia says with a little laugh.


It was early in the morning, everyone is still in bed. Richard comes out from his room, fully dressed. He then goes to Finn's room and check on him.

"Ready?" he asks the kid. Finnick nods his head and leaves his room with Richard.

When they arrived at their destination Finn puts down a bouquet of fresh flowers on the gravestone. He then look up to Richard and smiles.

"I'm sorry I made everyone forget about you. But you're still in my mind." Richard speaks to his sister underground.

The day he told Finn to erase Jodi from everyone's mind, he also requested to keep her in his. So that at least she'll have one family member to remember her.

"Everyone is doing well. Joel and Erick are going to get married soon. But we'll be happier if you're here with us." he says, wiping away the silent tears that's rolling down his cheeks.

"But I'm sorry Chris is back to his old self. That big dick." he chuckles. "I just want you to know that I'll never forget you. I'll always wish you're still here with us. I miss having two rebellious, bold sisters. I complains about you sometimes. But now that one of my little twins are missing, my life has started to be boring. I miss you, Jordana."

When Richard feels that he has spent enough time with her, they returned back to the palace. Everyone was having their breakfast when they got back.

They asks him where he went, and Finn back him up by saying that they went out for a jog. "You shouldn't drag the kid into your insane workout routine." Kat says, hugging Finn and apologize to him.

"He wants to join me." Richard laughs, playing along with Finn's lies. He then took a seat and have his meal.

He then notice that Kat and Riki was having their meal with only one hand on the table. He throws his fork towards them, making them jumps off.

"Hands on the table! We have a kid in here!" he says, nodding at Finn who doesn't even raise his head as he was focused on eating.

"You need a girlfriend, brother. So that you won't be jealous of our relationship." Kat teased him.

Richard shook his head but tries not to smile. He was actually glad to see at least one of his sister living her life happily. He just loves playing the protective brother role.

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