54 - New Cast

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Joel left just like that after he spit his words to Riki. "Go get him. I'll stay with Riki." Kat tells Cass, who then nods and runs to chase after Joel. 

Joel gets into his room, followed by Cass behind him. She shut the door behind her, so that the others won't hear them. "What the hell was that for, Joel? I thought we're not going to talk about her in front of him." She says with the sound of frustration in her voice. 

Joel turns around, his face reddens, his chest rising rapidly. "That woman, that fucking woman killed my mom!" He screams. "And I've told you earlier today. I can see it. He loved her. He loved my mother's killer." He adds.

"Joel! It wasn't his fault. You don't have to take it out on him." Cass replies. 

Joel runs his hands through his hair to the back of his head. "Cass, I can't do this right now." He says as he turns around. "I don't want to yell at you. So please, leave me alone." He points his finger to the door without looking back at her. 

Cassandra sighs as she raised his hands and rolls her eyes. "Whatever you say, Joel Pimentel." She says as she walks out from the room. Sometimes even she is done with Joel's emotional ass. 

"I need to go." Riki tells Kat. She asked him to stay but he didn't listen, he just continue walking. When Cassandra gets back to the living room and walks passed him, he didn't even glance at her. 

"Where is he going?" Cassandra asks. Kat shook her head, telling her he just said that he needs to go out. 

Cassandra couldn't risk him meeting Mara again, so she chase after him. When she's close enough she grabbed his arm, making him turn around. "I'm not meeting her, if that's what you're worried about." He says before she could even ask. 

"Then let me come with you." Cass tells him. "No you can't. Go back to your boyfriend. Tell him I'm going to make it up to him for what she has done. If that makes my presence here acceptable to him." He answers.  

As she was walking in the hallway Richard came running to her. "What happened?" He asked.

Cassandra shrugs. "Joel just knew that Riki's foster mother was behind his mom's murder." She answers. "So the Angry Joel came out." Richard concludes it for her. 

Cassandra nods, earning a warm hug from Richard. "Do I have to choose between my brother and my lover?" She asks in his embrace. "No. Joel will calm down, and it'll be okay again." 


In the house they stayed while they're away from the palace, Jodi is tidying up their bedroom. Chris is in the palace, talking to Samia and didn't let her to come along. So to distract herself from thinking about how it's going on, she packs their things up to leave the house and go back to the palace.

She was gathering hers and Chris's things into a box when the door swung open, revealing a man with brown hair, hazel/green eyes with puffs under them that makes him looks tough. 

When he sees Jodi's startle as she turns around, he bursts into laughter. "Irama, idiot. You scared me." Jodi says, holding her chest. She picks up the box and put it on the small table beside the bed. 

Irama leans his side to the door frame

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Irama leans his side to the door frame. "I've seen this coming but it's still sad knowing that you both are going to leave." he says, looking sad.

Irama owns the house Jodi and Chris stayed at. It was a beautiful coincidence, or miracle that took him into the same road Chris was lying on after he was hit by Mara's wing. Irama helped him, and allowed the both of them to stay in his house.

Jodi squints her eyes on him. "Seen this? So you knew they're going to find us here that day?" she asks with her hands on her waist.

Irama raised his hands in surrender before she could do anything to him. "I saw it when I smacked him that morning for stealing my chocolate bar." he confessed.

Irama is not just normal person. There's something, or maybe a lot of things he's hiding. But Jodi and Chris know this one thing about him, he can see someone's future, or past when he touches them. That's the only thing about him that he tells them. The other secrets, he still keeps it to himself for some reason.

"So you know our cousin Zabdiel was going to beat him up in your front door but you didn't tell us?" Jodi says with high pitched voice and widened eyes.

"Well about that." Irama avoid Jodi's eyes. "If I tell you it's possible that the future will change. I just want you both to find your way back to your family. So that you'll be happy again." he answers, making Jodi smiles as she throws herself to hug him.

"Thank you, Irama. You helped us a lot. If only we can introduce you to our family. You don't have to live alone anymore." she tells him.

Irama smiles, before he gently breaks free from Jodi's hug. "I'm not a family person, Jodi. And how dare you say that I'm alone? I have friends."

"Oh I forgot about your stupid loner squad." Jodi teased him. Irama joins her laughter. "Yea, the stupid loner squad." he says.

His phone blew up, so he dismissed himself to pick up the call. "Alright, I'm coming." he says before he hung up. He then turns to Jodi. "I'm going out. If I'm late and both of you can't wait for me you can just leave the keys under the door mat." he says as he puts on he runs down the stairs.

"No, we'll just wait for you." Jodi screams from upstairs. "Okay then, see ya." he replies before he left.

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