50 - Reunited

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"Joel, stop! You could've killed me!" Zabdiel yells. Joel stabs his sword into the ground and kicks the grass in frustration. It has been a week since the incident. Chris and Erick never came back to the palace, and it upsets him too much he couldn't hold himself from letting it out during the training.

Finn tried to track on them like he did before, but everytime he tried it with Erick's belongings the image in the mirror shows nothing but black smoke. When it comes to Chris, there's always something that blocks their vision.

Jared who was coincidentally passing by during that moment saw what Joel did. He then makes his way to meet his son. "What is wrong with you?" he grabbed Joel's arm.

The others took a step back as they know better not to mess with the angry Jared. Joel keeps his mouth shut and look away, while his father still glaring at him. "Your cousins are gone! They're not here anymore. No one even knows if they're still alive. So you better learn to let them go and stop getting yourself blinded by your emotions!" Jared let go of his hold on Joel's arm.

"That goes to all of you as well! I don't have time to deal with your soft hearts." he tells them before he took a step to leave the field.

"Says the one that ignores his son just because he was swallowed by the guilt he feels." Joel mumbles, but loud enough for Jared to hear him.

Enraged, Jared turns around and storms at Joel. He clutches Joel's collar and pulls him to just a few inches away from his face. "Think before you speak, son." he hissed.

Joel pushed Jared's hand away from him and shot his glare on him. "Don't call me your son when you don't even spare a minute to treat me like one. If it wasn't for my last name I won't even feel like I have a father at all!" he let out what he has felt for years right onto his father's face.

"And unlike you, I didn't shut people out just because I blame myself for the things that happened. Chris and Erick are gone but they're still my family. I'm not going to give up on them!" he starts to tear up but recollect himself right away.

Jared went speechless, same goes for Richard and Zabdiel. Joel took a deep breath to calm himself before he realized what he has slipped out from his mouth.

"I'm sorry if I was being rude, but that's what I've kept to myself for years." he speaks under his breath and look away. "I need to go now." he says, making his way out from the field.

Jared watches his son walk away with a hard feelings in his heart. He then turns to the boys' trainer. "Their training ends early today." he says before telling Richard and Zabdiel to go back to their wing.

Joel gets into his room to find Cassandra sitting alone in the balcony. She can hear his footsteps coming closer, so she turns her head and look over her shoulder. "You're back early today. Did something happen?" she asks.

Joel takes a chair and sits beside her. He nods his head, keeping his eyes down to the floor. "I had a fight with my dad." he answers.

"Oh no, Joel." Cassandra hugs him. "Are you okay?" she asks as she breaks the hug.

"Honestly, I'm not. But aren't we all?" Joel looks away to avoid breaking down in front of Cassandra.

Suddenly someone knocks on the door, disturbing their conversation. It's Riki. "Guys, we've found Chris." he tells them.

They all gathered at the living hall where the investigator they hired to find Chris showed his pictures on the table. In almost every picture, he's not alone. He has Jodi with him.

"Who is that?" Riki asks, referring to Jodi. He then moves his eyes on Kat, and back to the picture. "Why does she looks a little bit like you?" he asks Kat, who then shrugs in response.

Finn and Richard looks at each other with disbelief. They've watched her dead body, they held a funeral for her and even visited her grave. She's the reason why Finn can't get Chris's image in the mirror. It's because she shouldn't exist in their life after Finn erased her. But there she is, coming back to life and living with Chris.

"I don't care about anything. I just want his location." Zabdiel says sternly. "He's the reason my sister is locking herself in her room because she just lose her fiance." he adds.

Right after they've got his location all of them, except for Samia went out to find Chris. He's living in a small village far from town. "Let me go first." Zabdiel push everyone aside.

Richard comes with him, while the others wait in their car. Zabdiel knocks on the door, and as soon as Chris answers Zabdiel throws a punch on his face.

"We have to stop him." Joel says as he gets out from the car and rushes to the house Chris is living in.

At the same time the others were running to stop Zabdiel, Jodi comes out to help Chris. Both Jodi and Richard were stunned when they found each other. "Jodi? Is that really you?" Richard asks.

Joel managed to get Zabdiel off from Chris. Riki helps him to hold Zabdiel from charging on Chris again. "You know her?" Zabdiel asks as he was struggling to break free.

Chris fixed his clothes and wipes the blood from the corner of his lips. "She's his sister. Wait, so you're the one that decided to erase her from everyone's life?" Chris furrowed his brows.

"I have my reasons for that. You was going insane since you lose her. And Riki can't stop blaming himself for her death. Our family was tearing apart." Richard replies.

"Wait what's going on here? And why am I dragged into this issue?" Riki asks.

"Let's just ask Finn to undo the spell, that'll be easier as you all will remember everything back." Richard answers. He then turns to look at Jodi. "I'm sorry Jordana. I just had to do it." he tells her.

"That can be sort out later. Now tell us where's Erick?" Joel asks Chris.

Jodi holds Chris's hand and hugs him as he looks down to the ground, unable to answer the question. "Chris tried to save him. But he failed." she answers for him.

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