44 - Mara's Narrative

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Mara's POV

Hi, my name is Amara Jordan. Before anyone starts asking I'll answer it in the most disgusted way that I can. Yes, I'm Catherine's sister. The person that married Jared Pimentel, even had son with him.

30 years ago when my father was the king I fell in love with Jared. The feelings were mutual, but we kept it low as both our parents were strict. It was Christmas when my father knew that his nephews were all ready to become the next King. So he wanted them to get married before one of them was elected to replace him.

He commanded Jared and his elder brother to stand up. Jared was smiling at me as we both thought my dad was going to marry the both of us off. "As the eldest son of Pimentel's, Chad, you'll marry my eldest daughter Amara."

The other family members were cheering on us, while Jared and I was froze. My dad then announced that Jared should marry Catherine. After the dinner Jared told me he'll talk to his parents about it. I couldn't say anything to mine, as I know they'll never back away from their decision. Especially my dad.

A few days later we didn't see each other as Jared was getting busy with training. Until one day I saw him with Catherine in the garden. They were talking and suddenly Catherine kissed him. One week later Jared told me he couldn't disobey his parents order, and that he'll make sure Chad would make me happy.

The wedding went as planned. And one year after that my father passed away, making Chad becoming the next King. Even then my feelings for Jared hasn't gone. Seeing him falling in love with my sister Catherine didn't help either.

One day I decided that I need to know if Jared still felt the same for me. I can't fake loving his brother while wishing that it was him instead any longer. I stopped him when he was walking and talked to him.

"You looked happy when Chad became a king, I thought the feeling was gone." he told me. "That's why I started to open my heart for Catherine. I'm sorry, Mara. I love my wife now."

I couldn't take it, so I smashed my lips against him to make him remember what it was like. Maybe that's what it needs to take him back to me. But Jared pushed me away. I followed his eyes to find Chad looking at the both of us.

Chad dragged me into our room. He was yelling at me and hitting me. For my self defense I grabbed a lamp stand and swing it onto his head. Jared ran into our room and found Chad on the floor.

"You killed him!" he screamed at me. Jared never screamed at me. But that day he did. Knowing that I'm going to be punished for what I've done and Jared didn't look like he's going to back me up, I ran away.

I lived my life alone, hiding myself from everyone. It was easier to be consumed by the dark when you're lonely and desperate. I found my way into black magic and evil world. To the point that I get involved with Devil's worshippers to become Lucian's accomplice.

Getting Lucian and Lucinda to seduce my cousin from the Velez and the Colon's was my idea. Lucian was the bad guy but he was too greedy his plan always came out sloppy. I was the one that always helped him.

One day he came to my house with a baby in his arms. "Should I kill him or should we keep him?" he asked me. Our plan was to let him have a daughter to seduce my nephews when they grow up, but he got a son instead.

"We'll keep him. Leave him to me. We'll tell him his mother disowned him and told you to kill him but you couldn't do it. Boom! We'll have a son that's loyal to you and hate his mother, along with her family." I told him.

Lucian grins widely it and kissed the back of my hand. "I know I can always count on you. Thanks, Mara. I'll come back later to give you a good ride." he winked before he left me with his son, which then we named as Riccardo.

Killing Catherine on the day of the battle was a backup plan provided by me as well. If Lucian won he'll be the king, we'll kill Matilda so that I can be his queen. But if he lose we'll kill Catherine, because the place  as a queen should always be mine. If I can't have it so does she.

I remember meeting Jared when he was crying alone by her grave and told him it was all my idea. His eyes was bloodshot red, his voice trembled when he asked me "Why did you do this to me? You said you loved me."

It was a satisfaction, seeing him suffer like that after he broke my heart. We could've run away and lived happily together. But he chose her instead. We had another chance the day Chad was dead but he screamed at me for killing his brother. Now he's being a king with all his love taken away from him.

As I said, I was the one that raised Riccardo. At first I wasn't really fond of him. As months passed I started to think of him as my own son. Now you know why I made that bargain with the reaper. He betrayed us but I still love my little boy.

Also, an opportunity to create another drama. I broke the rules of nature by snatching Jodi's soul away, killed the reaper and let her live again. But now I can use her for something. Something we're doing today.
(end of POV)


"Go get him." Mara whispered to Jodi, as they watched Chris in a store with Riki and Erick. "It's good to see you again, Riccardo." she says to herself as she was watching him for afar.

Riki and Erick were trying on some clothes, when Jodi approaches Chris and he flirts with her. Jodi then blow some powder onto his face to hypnotize him. She walks out from the store, with him following behind her like a lost puppy.

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