22 - Still Incompetent

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They dropped Riki at somewhere far from the city on his request. He said he can't risk being seen with them by Lucas's guys. "You're not considering living with us?" Cassandra asks him.

Riki shook his head, smiling as he put his hands on her shoulder. "I'm going to spy on Lucas and Lucian for you. I can't do that if I stay with you guys." he tells her.

Riki kissed her on the top of her head before letting go. Telling Cassandra to walk to the car first, Joel grabs the chance to ask Riki something. "Cass didn't hear it but you've slipped something about Lucian's blood, something like that."

Riki glanced at Cass before looking back at Joel. "He made us drink his blood-" "That oath. So if he dies you'll die too." Joel cuts his words. "And you're willing to help us? You'll get yourself killed." he adds, disapproving Riki's decision.

"You don't have to worry about that. It didn't get down my throat. I just pretend to sip on it. Can't risk having to leave Kat if your father gets to defeat Lucian." he smirks, proud of his decision.

Satisfied with that answer, Joel pat on his shoulder. "Good to know that. See you later, bro." he tells him before he joins Cassandra in the car.

They all got back to Jared's palace with heavy heart but still trying their best to smile to give strength to each other. No one was left alone. Cass has Joel with her, Zabdiel and Samia are always with Erick, Richard being the eldest brother is doing great at supporting his younger siblings.

Despite of telling Chris that she's done with him, Jodi can't let him mourning alone. She went to his room and hugs him while he's drown in the thoughts of his father's, making him surprised at first. But as soon as he noticed that it was her, he starts sobbing on her shoulder.

In the palace's garden, Cassandra and Joel sit by the fountain. Joel took her there, claiming that it's his favourite place in the palace whenever he has something in his mind.

Cassandra rests her head on his shoulder. "Do you think we should tell them?" she asks him, referring to what Riki just told them before they dropped him off. "Maybe not yet. Look at how miserable they already are. Let's not make it worse." Joel answers.


"Where's everyone?" Cassandra asks as the boys haven't come back from the training yet. The twins and Samia shrugged, saying they have no clue. "Meeting with Uncle Jared. They are the head of the families now." Yashua, Richard's youngest brother answers as he came into the room.

He just got back from the sword training. The boys insisted for him to join in just to make sure Zabdiel can't make any excuses to ditch. Throwing some apples he got from the dining hall to his sisters, he continue playing with the sword.

 Throwing some apples he got from the dining hall to his sisters, he continue playing with the sword

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"So we are going to take over our father's
duties?" Richard asks Jared. "But we can't be ready yet. Erick is just 17. Not to mention that there's no one to guide us." he continues, feeling sorry for his youngest cousin.

Jared is not going to change his mind. "What do you expect from the misfortune that just hit this family? You think I'll put all your fathers' duties on my shoulder? I already have too much in my hands. From now on live a more serious, mature life. No more playing around." he said before he left the boys with no chance to protest.

They got back to their part of the palace with frowning faces. They went straight to their rooms without saying a thing to anyone. Joel was the only one that came to the living hall to find Cassandra and sits with her on the couch, immediately lie on his back, head on her lap.

"Why is everyone looking so upset?" Cass asks Joel.

Joel sighs remembering the thing they've discussed with his father. "They have to take over their father's duty. It's a big deal. None of us are ready yet but there's nothing we can do." he answers, massaging his own forehead.

Being new to the family, Cassandra doesn't really know what it means. "It means our brother Richard has to be in charge of the soldiers, Chris has to be the real healer angel, Erick as the one in charge with the blessings, Zabdiel as messenger. Joel should the the head angel of wisdom but Uncle Jay Jay is still here so he's good. On top of those duties, they have to take the overall care of our people in our region." Kat explains to Cassandra.

"It's still cringey listening to you calling my dad like that, but thanks for that explanation, Kat." Joel thank her for explaining things to Cassandra. "And all these years we were just prepared with basic theories. Keyword, basic theories. The ones that are supposed to guide them are now just bodies with no soul. We're doomed. For real." he covers his face with his hands.

Now that they've explained it, Cassandra can relate what's happening to the thing that Riki told them the day before. He said that Lucian commands him and Lucas to gain more devil worshippers among the people. With the number of devil worshippers increasing, and the boys being incompetent leaders, in time their power in the kingdom will be weakened.


In his room, Erick was standing alone, talking to someone on the phone. He doesn't even noticed Samia getting into his room. "I called you just to ask for your help. This is the worst decision I've ever made!" he screamed, slamming his phone to the floor.

"Erick?" Samia calls for him softly, afraid that she's disturbing him. When he turns around, it looks like he's holding his tears.

"I'm sorry if I come in the wrong time

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"I'm sorry if I come in the wrong time." Samia says, pointing to the door behind her. "No, please, stay here." Erick tells her to sit with him on his bed.

"It's your grandfather isn't it?" she asks as she sits beside him. Erick nods. "Shouldn't reach for him for anything. He hates me then, hates me even more now that his son is gone. Now I have to carry on my father's duty with no one to help me. I don't know if I can do this alone." he ran his hands in his hair.

Samia hugs him. "You're not alone. None of us are." "And most importantly you're here with me." Erick chuckles as he breaks free from the hug to cup her face in his hands and caress her cheeks with his thumb. "You're the only thing that I can thank that cranky old man for." he stares at her face before leaning in and kissed her. Their first kiss.

Author's note: The last part of this chapter is for deepika11ranveer to be happy after stressing on her exam. Hope you like it babe 😘 and for the others, don't forget to vote.

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