17 - Losing Family

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When they get out from the room Erick and Cass were shocked by Joel who's standing before them as soon as they opened the door. "Tell me whatever you're talking about in there." he said seriously.

Having no choice, Erick explained everything to him. While listening to him Joel tries to work his mind, taking out every piece of knowledge he had. "Wait. I think I've read of something like that. It must be some sort of black magic." he said before he started walking.

Confused, Erick looks at Cassandra before she motioned for him to follow Joel. "How did you know? I've never heard of it." Erick asks, trying to catch up with his pace. Joel rolls his eyed and turned around, wearing his annoyed face. "You guys are so ignorant. We had tons of books about all kinds of magic in the library. You never knew we had those, do you?" he asks. Erick shook his head. "Because you never set your feet in there! Now follow my lead and I'll let you see how much knowledge you've missed out." Joel exclaimed before he continues walking.

The palace's library was so quiet, too quiet for Erick's liking. "Wow, this place hasn't change since the last time I stepped in." Erick whispers to Cassandra, not helping Joel who is trying to find the book related to their current issue.

"Found it!" Joel jumps from the stool he's stepping on to reach the top of the shelf. In his hand he holds a super thick, leather covered book that looks like it has existed since the past centuries. There were symbols in the front cover, sending Erick goosebumps. He hides behind Cassandra when Joel opens it, afraid that some sort of dark souls will come out from the book.

The two stood by the edge of the table silently, waiting for Joel to study the whole content. As his eyes moved from each word to another, Joel's face turns darker before he slammed the book shut, making Erick and Cassandra jumped up.

"Bro, what was it?" Erick asks, unable to hold his curiosity any longer. "It's a curse. Their fever will get worse, as Lucian's demons are sucking on their souls. In the end there'll be nothing left in their bodies, while their souls will be trapped in hell." Joel answers, avoiding Erick's eyes.

Erick's eyes got teared up as he drops his face on Cassandra's shoulder. "My parents" he cries on her. Holding him tightly in her arms, Cassandra begins to cry too as she felt guilty for everything that's happening. "I'm sorry, Erick. I really am. Send my apology to the others as well." she says before she lets go of him softly and leave the room.

Joel was lost in his thoughts. He had lost his mother, he knows how it hurts. And now his cousins have to go though the same pain. "Joel, chase after her. I can't, I need to sit for a while." Erick squeezes his shoulder, before he slowly took a seat, trying to digest the heavy feeling in his heart.

When Joel ran out from the library the hallway was already empty. He tried looking for her in every part of the palace but there's no sign of her. Then it occurs to him that he needs to let his father knows about what's happening to the family. After that he'll try to find her.


The waves in the shore might be calming, but not enough to make Cassandra ease her mind. She took baby steps forward absentmindedly, not really sure what she's doing, but her feet is not stopping. Better leave now, before more damage's done. Her mind tells her.

"Cassandra?" an unfamiliar male voice called for her name as the water reaches her waist. "Who are you?" she asks, not turning back even a bit.

"Doesn't matter. Are you trying to kill yourself? After living with such fortune?" he asks, walking against the wave trying to get closer to her.

Cassandra laughs at his comment. "Fortune? My father is a Devil who killed his own son before he got me, trapped my mother's soul in her own body, used me to destroy her family. What fortune is that? And now my loved ones are going to lose their parents because of him." she turns around, only to find herself stunned when she saw that it was Riki. "Riki?"

He just looks at her with no emotion on his face. "I don't really care about your problems. I wasn't even planning to save you. But when you mentioned about your father, there's something you need to know." he took a step forward, gritting his teeth, anger suddenly shown on his face. "He killed his own son because your mother asked him to."

"You don't know shit!" Cassandra pushed him, but Riki holds her hands tight. She hurts herself trying to break free from his grip. "I know! Because I am that kid. The one our mother disown because she wanted a daughter!" he glares at her.


After Joel tells him about the curse Jared gathers all his nieces and nephews to let them know. While the others are gathering at the main whole to listen to Jared, Joel drives around the capital city to find Cassandra. Just an hour after endless searching, he received a call.

"Joel's talking." "I know. It's Riki. Just letting you know Cassandra is here with me. Found her in the beach trying to kill herself."

Joel's heart almost stopped beating when he heard that. "Tell me where you are." listening to the direction Riki is giving him, Joel speeds up, not caring about the speed limit signs on the side of the road.

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