important a/n

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okay. How do I start this without insulting anybody.
Yes. When I started Station 11 I planned to talk about mental health issues to show how hard it is to deal with that. And I also mixed in a lot of romance. Many of you who read the story, probably got interested because they suffer from the same or similiar things that the characters in the story have.
I am writing this for nearly two years now and I saw so many of these comments popping up everwherr in my story.

But I first want to mention the part where Minghao finds out about his weight gain. All of you posted your weight on there and complained about your own body and weight. (Most of you from what I've read have pretty normal or even skinny bodies) There were some very kind people that tried to confront some people and tried to help them. (And I also have to say that size doesn't matter. Your heart does)

I am a person that gets really happy when I get comments on here, but I feel very uncomfortable when people write down their entire story about their issues with weight, depression, etc out if nothing. I also have many of these problems mentioned my story (which was also my inspiration for Station 11) and I can understand that this story could help you to talk out loud about what you've been keeping in. But so many comments are so dark and negative that I started to push back the issues that Chan or Minghao have, because I feel bad when I see people commenting that.
You can message me anytime if you feel down, but please don't use my comment section to explain how much you are suffering. I wanted to completely end this story, because I thought that I made some people feel worse (especially when they could relate with different situations happening in the story) and that I was the reason for giving them such feelings. Especially when I just chose a random number for Minghao's weight and people compared themselves to him and said how fat they were compared to him.

I am sorry if it sounds like I am not accepting you as yourself in the comments, but I didn't start this book for people to comment about their current situation, since it probably doesn't only make me feel uncomfortably but also other people that read the comments. I am always here for you in the DMs and I would love to help you.

Again I am sorry if I sound rude or ignorant, but I just really needed to get this off my chest, since it has been bothering me for so long.

Stay strong and beautiful as you are and we will see each other in the next chapter that I will upload this week.

love y'all (and sorry again if this sounds rude)


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