Chapter 2: Windows

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Your POV
You and your mother have been discussing the procedures you need to know before "working" at the mental hospital with your mom. There's so many rules; it's intimidating.

1. Do not have any type of relationships with your client/s; sexual or non sexual.
2. Do not harass of your client/s
3. Do not encourage your client/s do preform certain actions that go against the Heritage Hospital rules and regulations.
4. Do not go through files that you have no jurisdiction over.
5. Do not enter any of level 9's rooms unless given proper authority to do so.

And so on. Of course you wouldn't do any of these, the thought of people doing half of these actions caused your stomach to turn. It's sick.

You only have a few more pages to look over, then sign the papers that state if you're 18 or over. Which you are. You're a Senior in High school, and doing this will help a ton on your application.

"So what would I do when I start?" You asked your mother; still reading the rules and regulations.

"I'd supervise you while you work with a client." She responded.

"Would I work a one on one session?" You asked.

"Maybe. Depending on the client." She said.

"What type of client would I get?" You ask anxiously.

"I'm not sure. Or..maybe," she said rubbing her chin.

"What?" You asked.

"Actually, I have a client that's around your age. The one I've been working with recently." She said.

"Maybe you can get him to open up, considering the age indifference. And he wouldn't do any harm to you, so maybe you could do a one on one session every now and then." She said trying to convince herself more than explain to me.

"So, is that a yes?" You asked anxiously once more.

"Of course I'd have to supervise you a few times before you go on your own; just to see if your technique would work with him. But yes." She grinned.

You squealed out of excitement and grabbed your mother; pulling her into a tight hug.

"Thank you, thank you, thank you!!" You said rocking your mom from side to side; still hugging.

"When can I start?" You asked.

"I'll make sure you start as soon as possible. But you have to finish these papers first." Your mother grinned.

"Okay, just let me finish signing this real quick." You playfully sang before returning to the papers.

This is going to be exciting.

Ethan's POV
As I sit on the edge of my chair, I stare out of the highly secured window in front of me, in awe. I was on the 3rd level, which is pretty high up, so the view was amazing. It was one of the few things I actually enjoy in here.

I usually spend a lot of my time, just sitting and staring out my window; longing to be free. To be looking in here from outside, but I'm trapped.

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