Chapter 17: Perfect

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Song// Secret Love Song by Little Mix
Highly recommend// put on repeat

*A/N: Seriously, you WON'T get the full effect if you don't listen to this song while reading this chapter. Even I sobbed :( *


"I can't let you go, and I promise I will NEVER let you go again." I said looking back to her.

And then she said the thing that I didn't know I've always wanted to hear, until now...

"Then I won't either."


Ethan's POV
"It's like, a gross rapist alien came down to this cafeteria and shit on a plate, then served it to us." I scoffed.

"Oh my God, you have NO mercy!" Y/n laughed.

Her delicate y/h/c hair moved when she jerked her head back when she laughed. Her fragile hands clasped over her mouth as I heard the chuckles she desperately tried to hold back.

We were in my poorly lightened room, with the clear window giving us daylight; letting it hit the sides of our bodies as we sat across from each other. I stared deeply into her amazing eyes, and smiled to myself.

Her laughter slowly faded away as she refocused her attention on me. She licked her lips and gave me a huge cheesy smile; her curious eyes exploring my face.

She narrowed her eyebrows and slightly tilted her head.

"What?" She smiled.

"Nothing." I chuckled, shaking my head and looking away from her.

"No! What? Tell me!" She begged.

My eyes landed on her slender face again, and I sighed. I smiled to myself, knowing that she always gets what she wants when it comes to me.

"You. You're just perfect in every way. And don't even try to deny it, because it's a fact." I admit.

Her face turned a bright shade of red as her lips curved into a shy smile. She turned her face away from me and tucked her hair behind her ear.

My body moved forward so my heavy arms could reach her. My hands traveled to her face and grabbed her smooth chin; turning her head back to me.

I could feel her joyous soul jump into me through her eyes.

Damn, they are beautiful.

"You are absolutely beautiful. Inside and out. And I love yo-your...personality." I said.

That was a close one.

She smiled at me and placed her gentle hand on mine while I still held her cheek. With her other hand, she grabbed the side of my face and pulled me closer to her face.

She closed her eyes as her soft lips, pressed against mine for just a few seconds. During that short time period, she connected her forehead with mine. When our lips detached, she smiled and placed both of her hands on my face.

I caressed her silky hair as our foreheads were still touching each other.

Suddenly, a strange woman bursted into the room with files in her hands. Her eyes widened as she saw our close connection.

"It's okay, is okay. Just focus on me. Breathe Ethan, breathe." Y/n said in a calming tone.

I knew to take the hint so I started to pant; going along with what she was doing.

"Shh, it's okay. It's okay. Deep breaths." She continued.

My heavy breathing slowly faded and calmed as we looked back at the woman.

"Sorry, he had a serious panic attack. Studies show that close physical connection and a soothing voice, helps the person calm down." She said so confident in herself and the lie.

"Oh!" The woman said closing her eyes and placing her hand over her chest.

"I'm so sorry, I took things completely out of context I guess." She giggled.

"It's okay. Besides, I think our small session is over now." Y/n said turning back to me, smiling.

I nodded and returned a smile as she got out of her seat. She grabbed her clipboard and started walking out the door; the woman still present.

"Oh, and keep working on our breathing routine for future attacks. Okay?" She added as she stopped at the door frame.

"Okay. Bye Dr. White." I responded.

She waved goodbye to me as she walked out of my room with the woman, followed by muffled voices.

And like that, she was gone again.

Your POV

*___ About 30 Minutes Later___*

"Mom! I'm home!" You cheerfully shout; hearing your voice echo throughout the empty hall, but heard no response.

You sighed, knowing that your mother probably isn't home right now, and still at the hospital doing other things for other people. You hear the light tapping of your weightless footsteps, as you enter the white stained kitchen.

The lack of color and energy in the room made you feel gloomy. Besides, you never really had the best of times in this setting.

Once your fragile body reached the small island, you nearly jumped when you saw a foot just around the corner.

Your body froze over and you couldn't move for what seemed like hours. You couldn't move, or talk, or even breathe; you just stood there. Stunned.

Your cowardly feet finally grew the courage to carry you towards the strange body.

"Oh my God." You gasped as your widened eyes laid upon your mother.

Her still body and blank facial expression, made your mind panic. She was just laying there; as if she was thrown into the cold wooden floors. She seemed lifeless even.

You quickly ran to the island again to retrieve the house phone. Once your sweaty hands grasped the cold plastic case, your shaky fingers dialed 9-1-1 as fast a humanly possible.

When the anxiety filled sound of the telephone ring ended, you felt your eyes sting with warm tears as reality hit you with no mercy.

"9-1-1, where is your emergency?"

A/N: Sorry this chapter is shorter than usual but I think I'm back...anyways, I'll have the next chapter up by Saturday. (Aka my regular posting days :) )

DrowningOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora