Chapter 47: I'm Here

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Song// Light by Sleeping at Last
Highly recommended//put on repeat

(A/N: SERIOUSLY!!! You're definitely gonna want to play this song during this chapter. It gets real deep, and you really need to get into it.)

*idk how else to explain it 🤷🏽‍♀️ (you'll get it later in the chapter, just look for this sign *)

Your POV

You ran past what it seemed like, thousands of trees and shrubs; desperately trying to find Ethan. You ran as fast as the wind could carry your panicked, weary body. The trees scattered the forest in a rude manner, all of them being in your way.

You felt your tears begin to well up in your eyes as the cool wind grazed your face. Your heavy breathing was only making you feel stronger somehow. You only had one thought across your rushed mind as your arms swung with your legs.

You knew if you didn't get to Ethan in time, something tragic would happen. And it would all be your fault, you were sure of it. You swallowed the air lodged in your throat and wiped the salty tears from your cheeks when you finally reached your destination; joyous that you weren't too late.

Your worried eyes darted to a familiar bridge with Ethan standing on the edge of it. Your hands clamped over your mouth as you saw his weak, tired state. Your knees wearily fell to the ground as you saw him look down to where the ground was.

You sniffed and rubbed the water from your cheeks; forcing yourself to get up and cautiously walk to Ethan. Finally, you saw the moonlight as the trees began to fade behind you; the world became less crowded as you stepped out of the forest.

You could hear Ethan's quiet sob along with the creaking of the old worn out bridge. The only thing that lit up your view was the moon; your heart sunk. As your body was getting closer, Ethan rubbed his face and sobbed. You knew he thought that this was his was his last resort to end his problems.

You stepped closer and accidentally stepped on a twig; it snapped as Ethan's head jerked to you. His eyes widened and he walked further down the bridge to get away from you. You instantly felt your heart sinking even more.

"Ethan," You began.

"No! No! I didn't ask for you to come here!" Ethan's weak voice shouted.

"E, please. Let's just talk. That's all I want to do." You said with your hands raising a little to ease him.

"I tried talking to you!! Guess where that went?!" He shouted.

"Ethan, Ethan, listen to me: you don't wanna do this!" You said with tears welling up in your eyes again.

"Pretty sure I do, that's why I'm here." Ethan said squinting his eyes and scrunching his eyebrows.

"No, you're just upset and confused! A-And I get that, okay? Just get off of the ledge and I'll take you home." You reasoned.

"NO!" Ethan shouted; making you jump a little.

Ethan began to breathe heavily while a few tears rolled down his red cheeks. You stepped a little closer, only making Ethan walk further from you.

"Ethan, please don't do this! We can talk about it, what's going on? Talk to me, E. Talk to me!" You said with a quivering voice.

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