Q & A

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Hey guys...so Idk how you'll react to a certain question that was answered...considering that the twins father just passed. Just comment down whether I should change it or not, I don't wanna offend anyone. Ily guys, and tbh I'm upset about the whole Sean thing...I'll still update, but I just need some time to think. Idk why it's effecting me so much, but it's the truth. My prayers go out to the twins and I hope you'll do the same.

Alright guys, here are your questions answered!!


Q's for Y/n
Q: Are you sure Ethan loves Veronica bb?
A: I haven't even begun to think about the word love and Ethan and Veronica in the same sentence, but now that I think about it, yes.

Q: Are you still in love with Ethan?
A: I can't be anymore...it isn't an option.

Q: Are you happy?
A: Depends.

Q: Thoughts of Anthony?
A: He's really nice from what I can tell and very patient. I know this is going to sound bad, but he's a great distraction from Ethan, which is what I desperately need right now. It's not an excuse, and I know that; it's just helpful right now.

Q: Anthony needs to die down a lot. Y did u say yes when he asked u out??
A: He was really nice and patient when it came to Ethan. It's the least I could do. Besides, this is really bad and I know it is, but I need a distraction. Maybe I'll see past that and date him for him and not for just a distraction?

Q: How did Anthony ask you out? Was it romantic?? Spill the tea sis.
A: He just caught me after school and asked if I was free anytime soon. I said yes then he asked if I wanted to hang out sometime and obviously I said yes to that too.

Q: Do you see a future with Ethan?
A: 100%

Q's for Ethan
Q: Why do you keep lying to Y/n about things?
A: What things?

Q: When are you gonna confess your feelings?
A: Idk yet...y/n seems more interested in Anthony, so I don't wanna screw that shit up for her.

Q: Who would you rather be with?
A: Ahhh, idfk I'm so confused 😫

Q: Just tell y/n how u feel!! Ur going to loose her!
A: I know

Q: Why can't you be honest and kind to those who are trying to help you?
A: I don't mean to shut people out, it's just weird when someone is actually nice to me...

Q: Ok Ethan ily and all...but what tf is ur problem?
A: Where do you wanna start? My depression, or my suicidal thoughts?

Q's for Veronica
Q: You keep pissing me off sis 😤
A: Lucky you

Q: Are you trying to separate Y/n and Ethan?
A: They're not together hun lolol

Q: Lowkey kind of like u tbh 😂
A: Thanks 😉

Q: Ethan loves Y/n.
A: ight lol

Q: What's your problem?
A: Idk I'll go to the doctors and keep you updated 😘

Q: Why u stabbing Y/n in the back? I thought you were her best friend smh
A: I still am and wym by stabbing her in the back?? Y'all so confusing lmaoo

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