Chapter 14: Changes

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Song// In My Veins by Andrew Belle
Highly recommend//put on repeat

Your POV
"Hey, Ethan. Sorry I'm late; Traffic jam." You said before sitting down in your regular spot in Ethan's room.

"No worries. Better for me, actually." He chuckled.

You, on the other hand, found no humor in that. In fact, it hurt you; deeply. You thought the tension couldn't possibly get any worse, but you were wrong. About that and him.

But worst of all, he's the only thing on your mind. The only person you want to be with. The only person you can forgive so easily. But just because you tried forgiving him, doesn't mean you did.

You'll always have a scar from his bullet like words. And you'll never change that. No matter how hard you try,

It'll never change.

Ethan's POV
I'm so fucking retarded, I can't believe I just said that. I just blurted it out, I didn't mean to offend her in any way. In all honesty, I want to make amends with y/n. Although she only missed one day, I miss her.

Her positive attitude, her laugh, her smile. I just miss HER. Obviously she's right in front of me and is incapable to be missed by me at the moment, but I miss the old her. They way she USED to be around me.

But my dumbass had to mess it all up. Just how I mess everything up.

"Sorry. Lets continue." I mumbled.

Y/n let out a long and frustrated sigh, while biting the inside of her cheek. I know she was hurt by what I said, and I regretted it as soon as the words tumbled out of my mouth. But I can't change that now.

I can't change anything.

"So, how have you been feeling this past week? Any positive changes?" She hesitated to ask.

I know she kind of has to say that. These are all of the regular questions, Dr. White asks me. Since she's only a "helper" Dr. White gives her basic questions to ask when she needs them. And I know she doesn't really want to talk to me at the moment, so why would she take time out of her day for me? Besides, I have a small feeling that y/n wants to know my answer.

"Umm, fine." I shrug.

"You didn't answer my question." She said in a low tone.

"Yes. I feel better." I said with no emotion laced in my voice.

She harshly sighs and readjusts herself on the cold metal chair; slouching in it. I noticed what she's wearing today, and it doesn't seem like her. Of course she looks amazing in anything she's in, but usually she puts a lot of effort into her wardrobe.

Today, y/n's wearing a dark blue, long sleeve shirt with some grey joggers and white vans. Her hair is down, and slightly messy. It looks like she just grabbed random clothes and threw them on, last minute; but she still manages to look beautiful.

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