Chapter 35: Trust & Flashbacks

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Song//Long Way Down by Tom Odell
Highly recommended//put on repeat

(A/N: This chapter is basically just a filler, but y'all need to know what kind of shit goes down in the past and with Veronica sooooooo yeah. You can play the song and read the chapter now lol.)

Your POV
"Veronica and I are going to be gone for a while. Can I count on you to keep the house in shape?" Your mother asked as you watched her pack her bags.

"Yeah, but why is Veronica going with you?" You asked.

"She asked me not to tell you, but all I can say is: she wanted to share her story with others, in hopes that they'll be moved by it and take action of their own situations." She summed up.

"This doesn't make any sense." You sighed.

"Honey, you have to respect her wishes. Besides, it's time that her and I finally...I don't know, bond? Get along?" She asked, walking to her dresser.

"I guess so, yeah. But why won't she tell me?!" You asked in frustration.

"It's going to be fine. When the time is right, for Veronica, then she will tell you. You know what that horrible man was capable of, imagine the trauma that poor girl endured." Your mother sighed in disappointment; taking a clothing item out of her dresser.

"But I've been her best friend for like, ever. She told Ethan, she told you...why am I, above all people, being left out? Why doesn't she trust me?" You scoffed.

"Maybe she doesn't want you to see her differently." She shrugged.

"But she knows that I'll still see her the same. I'll still be the same person, I won't change anything. I've known her for her entire life, she tells me about everything. It just hurts a little, to know that my best own sister, would hide something that impacted her life from me. Yet she told basically everyone else." You explained.

"Look, I know it sucks. I've been through that before, but patience is all you need. Don't push her on this, or she'll move too far to pull back in. She won't want to come back. You know what I'm saying, right?" Your mother asked, still holding on to the soft pink clothing.

"Yeah." You mumbled.

"Maybe it's for the best, sweetheart." Your mother said as she folded a shirt.

"I'm gonna go downstairs." You huffed un defeat.

"Make sure that Veronica is done packing." Your mother said as you were walking out of her room.

As you made your way down the cold steps, you saw Veronica and Ethan practically eating each other alive near the fridge. You rolled your eyes and continued to walk near them.

"Ahem." You cleared your throat so they'd stop.

They jumped away from each other and looked to you with embarrassment written on their faces. They were out of breath, and their lips looked irritated.

"You done?" You asked.

"Actually..." Veronica joked; walking closer to Ethan.

"Gross!" You shouted; walking to her and playfully hitting her shoulder.

"Hey, you make out with Anthony in front of me! Why is this any different?" She protested.

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