Chapter 19: A Mother

177 11 13

Song//Save Myself by Ed Sheeran

Highly recommended//Put on repeat

Your POV
"Thank you so much, honey." Your mother said with a tired smile.

"Figured you'd like something to keep you busy." You shrugged.

Your mothers' small tired hands opened the rough cover to a very old book, it seemed. Her fingers danced on the pages as her eyes scanned the ink infested paper.

She looked pale and lifeless; almost a malnutrition structure, but maybe that was just the hospitals poor lighting.

The doctors informed you that she had a life-threatening stroke from high blood pressures; that if you called for help 30 minutes after, she would've been dead.

This has never happened to her before, so you assumed that it was because of her time-consuming job; you both knew she' get 4-5 hours of sleep at the most.

Day after day, staying in late to make sure her patients are getting better or at least improving the slightest bit, must be tiring.

You sighed and sat beside her feet on the hospital bed.

"Mom, why didn't you tell me you were stressed? I could've picked up an extra shift or something to help you out." You asked, being bothered by the fact that she could've avoided this whole situation.

"Babe," She started.

Her fragile body shifted up to a sitting position as her legs crossed over one another under the blankets. Her cold hand rested on yours as she looked you in the eye to answer your question.

"I know you already work hard and still strive for more, but that doesn't mean I want you to stress out about things that you don't have to." She explained with a raspy voice.

"But you know I would've helped you anyways." You responded.

"That's not the point." Your mother said.

"Or, if you wouldn't bite off more than you could chew, then we wouldn't be here." You mumbled as you crossed your arms.

"Excuse me?"She asked, taking her hand back.

You let out a harsh sigh and got off of the foot of her bed. You gathered your things and tried to make a quick exit, but before your hand could even touch the doorknob, your mother called after you in a serious tone.

"What, mom?" You asked, not turning around.

"Don't you dare storm out of here when I'm talking to you. Now get your ass back over here!" She raised her voice.

Your eyes glazed over, knowing what conversation was to come. Your stiffened body turned around and walked back to where you were before. But you didn't set your things down.

"What did you mean by that?" She asked once you sat down.

"Never mind. It doesn't matter, I need to go to the other hospital." You said rolling your eyes while hesitating to get up.

"Don't make me slap you, little girl!" She warned.

"I'm sorry, but I just hate the fact that you could've easily avoided this all together." You said in a sensitive tone.

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