Chapter 12: Everyone Else

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Song: Lovely by Billie Eilish ft. Khalid
Highly recommend // Put on repeat now.

Ethan's POV
The rain slowly faded after our lips departed and we stayed silent for a few seconds. I deeply sighed and took a few steps away from her.

"I'm sorry, Y/n, but I don't think this'll work." I said coldly; trying not to show any emotions.

Her face instantly dropped; as if there were weights attached to her. She narrowed her eyebrows and gently shook her head.

"I don't understand. You said you liked me, and I just proved that I felt the same. What's wrong?" She said in a offensive tone.

"Don't you understand that you could get kicked out? It'll effect your future, Y/n!" I slightly raised my voice.

"That's bull shit, Ethan." She scoffed.

"You could." I said sternly.

"Okay, and so what if I get kicked out? I don't care anymore! I've lived my entire life being afraid of taking risks and living a little. I want to do something that feels right, even though it isn't to others. I want to be with you!" She said stepping closer me.

"Look, it's not the time to talk about this. Lets go back inside." I sighed.

"We have 2 more hours left. It's the perfect time to talk about this!" She said trying to over power my voice.

I threw my hands onto my face and rubbed my eyes; clearly showing my frustration. I can't be the reason for her getting kicked out of this hospital; though I know there's a more significant reason why I don't wanna be with her.

Though I know there's a more significant reason why I don't wanna be with her. (I know I wrote it twice, get the hInT PeOpLe!)

Your POV
You couldn't believe the words that were flowing out of his mouth. He literally JUST confessed his feelings for you, and now he's backing out? You were slightly hurt, but you were more angry than anything.

You placed your hands on your hips and harshly sighed; waiting for his response. If he even had one.

"Well?" You asked with attitude in your voice.

"You wanna know the REAL reason?" He questioned with a blank face.

"That would be helpful, yes!" You said annoyed by him; rolling your eyes.

He sighed and kept the same glare on you as he did before. You raised your eyebrows and gently tilted your head up to his; signaling for him to continue.

"I don't want to be with you. There: I said it." He said with no emotion laced into his voice. Not even the slightest facial expression appeared.

"Why are you being such a fucking moron?! You said that you had strong feelings for me, not even 6 minutes ago!" You yelled; not believing a word he just said.

"Yeah, well I THOUGHT I liked you." He spat.

"What the fuck does that mean?" You said offended.

"After we kissed, I didn't feel anything. Not even the smallest spark. It was almost like kissing no one." He said crushing your heart.

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