Chapter 8: Happy...?

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Your POV
You were enjoying the sweet sent of the freshly cut grass, while sitting on a small blue swing, and looking at the beautiful sunset in front of you. The view was amazing, and the setting was perfect. When you looked to your right, you saw Ethan sitting beside you; also looking into the magnificent distance.

You smiled to yourself, knowing that he looked happy and free. When he turned to you, he was had the biggest grin on his face. As he continued to scan your every movement, you leaned your head on his shoulder; making him lean his head on yours.

You felt his arm slowly wrap around your waist and began to bring you closer. You looked back into the distance, knowing you were safe in his arms.

Suddenly, you felt his grip become tighter. Shocked, you jerked your head to him and saw that Ethan looked angry. His arm continued to crush your bones as you desperately try to escape. You kicked and screamed and scratched but nothing seemed to have worked.

He finally let go of you and you saw his blood covered arm. You shrieked in terror as you soon found out that it wasn't his blood, but your own. When you looked down to your stomach, you saw a trail of blood coming from your throat.

You swiped your trembling hand across your neck and examined it. The sparkling red liquid, made your spine crawl and your screams become louder. When you looked up to Ethan, he had turned into your childhood friend, Daniel.

Daniel was your best friend when you were 9, but was kidnapped a few days before his own birthday. It was tragic and you knew it was your fault. So to see him again was mind boggling to you, which made you more terrified.

"Y/n? Y/n!" The demon tormented.

"Get up!" It yelled at you while your cold body was still on the ground.

Suddenly, your eyes shoot open as you sit up on a bed. You had a cold sweat and your throat was unusually dry. Your chest frantically moved up and down from the intense breathing you were doing; you were practically hyperventilating.

"Y/n, are you okay?" A familiar voice asked.

You turned your head to the side and saw Ethan standing over you like a tower. It was more intimidating to you, since you had just had a night terror of him. You shut your eyes and take a deep breath before rubbing your face.

"What happened? Why am I here? How did I...what?" You blabbed.

"Your breathing was irregular and your facial expressions, showed that you were in some type of intense distress. Your body was tensing up every 6 seconds, and you moved erratically. Possibly a night terror, depending on sleep deprivation. It's one of the leading causes, which would most likely suit you, since you passed out in the hall." Ethan responded.

"Wait...what? English please?" You said in shock of how much he knew of the human mind.

"I umm...I took a few classes that taught you various meanings based on dreams. And I also took bio med. I was saying that you were acting all weird when you were asleep, that may indicate some levels of stress which can cause nightmares." He sighed as if it were nothing.

"Really? I was? That's weird." You said still panting.

"Yeah, well you learn something new every day." He shrugged.

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