Q & A

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(Posted this a day earlier but oh well)

Okay so here are some questions I got from you guys. Some of you, I DIDN'T force to ask questions lmao. (You know who you are) LETS CONTINUE!!!

Questions for the Author (me):


A: First off, thank you so fucking much! It means a lot to hear compliments like that, especially when they're about stuff I work hard on.
Secondly, there are these AMAZING accounts DolanSzn and stilinskliffordolan that made fanfics, which I read on Instagram. One day I thought, "what the hell?" And I just started making up some ideas and wrote them down. A few months later, over 300 people read them and it's so amazing!! I'm so grateful for all of you!! (I'm sorry my response was so long and cheesy, lmao but I really am grateful for you guys.)


A: Lmao you're too sweet. I honestly think that I'm just a basic writer, trying to improve her skills. But I FUCKING LOVE YOU BOO!!! THANKS!! 😘♥️

Questions for Ethan:

A: Ethan, when will you open up to y/n?

Q: I know this may seem stupid, but I don't know if I can trust someone after what happened to me. I'm scared to be loved or cared for, once I poured my heart out for y/n, I was afraid of being hurt or loosing her the same way I lost...Elizabeth.

Q: Ethan, where do you get your inspiration for poems from?

A: My pain and past experiences. I have to let it out somehow...

Questions for Grayson:

Q: Grayson, why is Lisa never coming with you to visit Ethan?

A: My mom is a very complicated woman. She wants our side of the family to have a "good reputation" which means no "crazy" people. She's ashamed of Ethan, and when she couldn't get him to do what she wanted, she stopped coming.

Q: Grayson, do you like y/n? Like she had a fight with your twin

A: Depends on what you mean by "like". I really like her as a friend, and think that she could heal Ethan. But nothing more...I think. And what do you mean by "fight"? Ethan hasn't told me anything about a fight...

Questions for Y/n:

Q: Y/n, why did you want to work in a mental hospital?

A: I've been through more than you think I have. I didn't exactly get to let it all out, so I'd love to give someone a shoulder or an ear when I wasn't given that opportunity. Besides, I want to make my mom proud and be closer to her. She always puts her job before me, so why not?

Q: Y/n, sweetie I know that you were mad but why did you say "I wish I never met you"? LIKE BRO I WAS DYING

A: I was hurt and confused. I know that's not an excuse, but Ethan literally just made me feel like the only girl in the world, and then brutally ripped that away from me. Now he's trying to fix a broken bottle? I don't know if I can trust him with my feelings anymore. If I never met him, then I wouldn't have gotten this hurt...right? I mean, what would YOU do?

Q: Y/n, idk if you already told us but, where is your father?

A: I hope rotting in hell for what he's done...but he's long gone.

Okay folks, that was it. I hope you all got to ask whatever you wanted to know and I hope I answered them all to a certain understanding. If you have anymore questions, you can comment them and depending on what type of question it is, I'll answer it now. But if it's a question I can't exactly answer, then there'll be another Q & A.

Thanks to one of my BEST FRIENDS for asking a majority of these questions 😂
But seriously, she's such a good writer and all of her books are bomb asf. GO CHECK OUT HER ACCOUNT!!! GO GO GO!!!dolantwin_smiles

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