Chapter 4: Books

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Your POV
Ethan's eyes were still widened, as if you just answered the most important question of his life. As if it were the key to everything. Your mother's jaw dropped when you recognized the reference. She looked at you, bewildered.

There was a long period of silence; both your mother and Ethan were still looking at you in awe. They didn't know what to say; if there was anything to say at all.

"Ethan, will you please excuse me?" Your mother asked.

She stood up and walked out of the room. Your head was still facing the door, from when you watched your mother walk out. She never came back though. That was strange.

When you turned back to Ethan, his eyes were still glued on you. They turned a dark shade of brown as you gazed into them; they were intimidating. You took a deep breath and continued.

"So, have you been getting enough sleep?" You asked.

"H-how did you know where that was from? Nobody has ever...answered to that before." Ethan said, still in shock.

"Well, it's from my favorite book. How couldn't I recognize it?" You smiled.

"Then do you understand wh-what I meant?" He stuttered.

"Well, yeah. The Deep End is about a man who struggles with, trying to find reality while battling himself without knowing it. He talked a lot about, feeling as if he were trapped; drowning even. And even when he's tried to call out for help, everyone either ignored him, didn't care, or didn't try." You summed up.

"Exactly!" He exclaimed.

"So you feel connected with that book?" You asked.

His eyes fell from your gaze and connected to the floor. His shocked expression, turned into sadness in an instant. He slightly shifted in his chair as took a deep breath; nodding a few seconds after.

"Would you like to talk about it?" You asked.

Ethan's POV
Her sentence echoed through my head; and honestly, I'd like to talk about everything with her.

I'd love to open up to her; to be able to tell her why I tried to commit suicide. To tell her my fears, and anxieties. But it's not easy to just open up after shutting everyone out for so many years.

Although it was refreshing to finally have someone understand me, I haven't earned her trust yet. I have to know if I can open up to her without being thrown into a place much worse than this.

"Have you read Misconceptions?" She asked.

"Yeah." I smirked.

"Movie?" She asked.

"Book was better." I smiled.

"Really? I actually thought it was okay." She shrugged.

"Do you tend to like the movies more than the books?" I asked.

"Only with certain books. Misconceptions was better off as a book by its self." She admitted.

"An unpopular opinion: Twilight was a better movie. Didn't really care for the books." I said while licking my lips.

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