Chapter 42: Phone Call

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Song// Say You Won't Let Go by James Aurther
Highly recommended//put on repeat

(Ik What you're thinking...but this chapter is actually pretty sad. I put that song for a sad touch bc the chapter isn't about being together. I'll stop spoiling it so yeah enjoy! You can play the song.)

Your POV
You exited your car as the fresh breeze grazed against your skin. As a few clouds hung above your body, you felt the warm sun beams gently kissing your cheeks.

It was a beautiful day, but you knew better.

It's been a few weeks of you battling yourself since the conversation you had with Grayson. You knew this was the right thing to do, but you didn't want to do it.

Your small feet tapped against the cement ground with every step you took; keeping your eyes on the tall green grass as it was tickling your legs. Children's laughter became louder and louder the closer you cake to the large field.

You moved your head to the right and saw multiple children playing, screaming, laughing as they climbed up and down the small playground.

Their faces full of joy, their active bodies running around, everything about them you envied.

For the moment.

Once you walked closer towards your destination, you saw a tall figure waiting for your presence as he sat down on a bench; looking the opposite direction as you. It was nice to see that he was enjoying his time so far.

You tapped on his shoulder; causing him to turn around and meet your face. He smiled at you as you walked around the bench to sit beside him.

"Hey, y/n." He greeted.

"Hi." You smiled back at him.

"What's up? You wanted to meet me here?" He asked.

"Yeah, I just...wanted to clear things up." You sighed.

"You seem's kinda scaring me." He chuckled.

You licked your lips and breathed through your nose. Your hands rubbed your thighs as the nerves in your stomach became even more tense by the second. Neither of you two were ready for this conversation.

"I know this is totally out of the blue, but we really can't ignore this anymore. I know you see it...and I do too." You said as your eyes fell from his face.

"Y-we...I-I don't know what you're talking about." He stammered.

"We're okay...right?" He asked, placing his gentle hand on your thigh.

"We...can't do this to each other anymore. It's not right." You shook your head as you took his hand off of your leg.

"W-What are you saying?" He asked, probably already knowing the answer.

"Anthony, you know what I'm saying." You said looking him in the eyes.

He jolted his head in front of him; refusing to make eye contact with you. You heard his breath if he were about to say something, but stopped himself immediately. You scrunched your eyebrows and rested your hand on his.

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