Chapter 50: Kiss Me

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Song// Better by Khalid
Highly recommended//put on repeat

(Long asf chapter. Little tiny bit of smut in it, your welcome. But yeah, long asf chapter.)

Your POV
Your eyes pinned on the bay window in front of you, letting the moon absorb your thoughts as they all pointed to one person.


You were upset with yourself. No, disappointed.

How could you keep thinking about the one person who doesn't even know how to apologize correctly? The one person who's kept you confused for weeks on end.

Yet again, how could you forget the one person who flipped your entire world upside down?

The one person you've ever loved.

It's not Anthony. Who were you kidding?

But Anthony is so sweet to you though. He offered to sleep in the two bed room with Ethan before you and Veronica could even speak on it. He said he wanted you to be comfortable and have privacy.

Ethan, of course, didn't want to share a room with Anthony. He refuses to sleep in there so he's on the couch downstairs.

You never appreciated his stubborn side, but it was a side of him you accepted. You accepted him fully. You just wish he did the same for you.

You sighed and turned on your back, now facing the ceiling. The warm blankets made you feel like you were being cuddled

All of a sudden, you heard a small jiggle coming from the doorknob. You turned your head in a slow motion; already knowing who was there.

But you didn't want it to be true.

The knob twisted until the door slowly let the hall light into your room. You saw a tall strong figure standing in the doorway; making its way inside of your room. It was Ethan.

"Ethan? W-What are you doing here?" You asked, squinting your eyes to adjust to the lighting.

"I need to talk to you." He whispered as he slowly closed the door behind him.

"We already talked." You sighed, turning back around to face the moon.

"I just need to make sense of it. I'm still processing." He mumbled.

"Just get out." You said.

"Please, I just need to know one thing. Then I'll leave." He bargained.

"Just one thing? That's it?" You asked, turning back to him who was now standing right beside your bed frame.

"Then I'll leave. I swear." He promised.

You sighed and rubbed your eyes, nodding at Ethan as you propped yourself up into a sitting position on your bed. Ethan took a deep breath and slowly let it out as he sat on the other side of the mattress.

"What do you want to know?" You mumbled.

"You know, I've been thinking about our conversation earlier, and I just can't wrap my brain around it. I mean, you even said you don't love me anymore, but I don't feel it." He shrugged.

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