Chapter 15: School

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Song// Little Do You Know by Alex & Sierra 
Highly recommend// put on repeat

(A/N: Couldn't find any other song to play during this lmao)

Your POV
Today is Tuesday which means that you don't see Ethan. You couldn't stand talking to him, Hell, you almost broke down in front of him. Well, technically you did, considering the fact that you were practically sobbing; but that's not the point.

You didn't understand his logic. You didn't understand how he could just pour his heart out to you, take it back, and then do it again. And he expects you to forgive and forget about everything? You didn't think so.

"I can't be played around with, especially by him. I should've never fallen for him; I shouldn't have let myself fall for him." You thought aloud to yourself.

You finally parked in the parking lot to your school, and sighed. You gently took your keys out of the ignition and grabbed your stuff; exiting the car.

"Y/n! You bitch!" Yelled a familiar voice.

You turned around to see your best friend, Veronica, and threw on a fake smile. You guys have been best friends since middle school, and have been inseparable since. Well, up until she tried to commit suicide. But you're both past that now.

"Damn it! Thought I could get away this time." You sarcastically sighed.

"Shut up and love me!" She said walking closer with her arms open.

You both embraced in a long bear hug and began laughing.

"You're so stupid." You giggled.

"Doesn't matter." She smiled.

You both detached from each other and started walking towards the large building.

"So how have you been? I BARELY get to see you anymore, now that you got a ticket out of school." She dramatically and sarcastically cried.

"Shut up!" You giggled.

"Tell me, or I won't stop." She said.

"I was already gonna tell you!" You chuckled.

"Oh, okay." She said while quieting down.

You both snickered and continued walking into the large school, and down the hall where your lockers are.

"Well, it's been great. I get to do the thing I love the most AND get a 'ticket' out of school." You smiled.

"Aww, I think that's awesome. Now tell me the truth." She frowned, not believing a word you just said.

"Okay, okay." You sighed.

"What is it? You know you can tell me everything, right?" She said with a hurt tone.

"Yeah." You mumbled.

"Are you sure you know that? I haven't heard a word about that place since the day you texted me about starting to 'work' there." She said disappointed.

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